Wednesday, 9 January 2013

What's on my workdesk today

New year, new challenge, thats probably what a lot of us are saying.
I have taken up a 12 week online course with contemporary embroiderer Karen Ruane

I am a massive fan of the work of textile artist BARBARA JEPSON, a founder member of the Ten Plus Textile Group in the UK.  Using her floral work as my starting point my aim is to create a book of design ideas which will lead to an end piece.  I'm not clear what that will be yet, it could be in the form of a piece of art or something practical.  Its upto the individual what they use for materials, even choosing to use a combination such as fabric and paper.  I know I will enjoy the process starting with
gathering of requirements ie . sketchbook, notebook, research material. The challenge for me will be producing an end piece and the embroidery part.
I spent last night going through old magazines and cutting out gorgeous pictures and words.
Then yesterday I enjoyed looking through my library of books, some which I had not dipped into for some time.
As I go along I hope you will enjoy my journey.

Here's the link to see what other people have got on their desks this week.


  1. Wow Lynn that sounds brilliant. I certainly will be watching with interest. :-)
    A x #41
    ps don't forget to check out the bargains in the Jan sale over in our blog shop...

  2. This sounds like a superb adventure Lynn. Can't wait to see where your creative juices take you with this and I can pretty much guarantee to be a fan by the look of your thought processes so far. Happy WOYWW, hugs Jenny #35

  3. Hi Lynn, I will certainly be watching you progress on your latest adventure, it sounds like such fun and I know you will create some fabulous work as a result. Looking forward to meeting up with you, Susan and Ruth soon too now that New Year is well underway! Big hugs, Anne x #47

  4. Oh, I know how much you will enjoy this course and I do look forward to the results. Enjoy and what a great start to 2013!
    Jo x

  5. Look forward to seeing your progress Lynn - looks a good class to take.
    Thanks for calling round, always good to 'hear' from you.

    Have a good week.
    Ann B

  6. Oh I love hand stitching! I am sure you will come up with a beautiful piece!

    Patsy from

  7. You sound like you will have a lot of fun.. love the things you've put together in readiness! Helen, 7

  8. Looking forward to seeing what you make with your sewing corse. I hope you have lots of fun . Jill #10

  9. You will love this course I am sure. I am good at looking for ideas but a bit slow at getting to grips with creating!! x Jo

  10. Looking forward to seeing your progress and what evolves.
    Hug,s Neet xx
    Thanks for your visit

  11. Wonderful! It will be a colourful journey judging from your lovely pictures. [I'm in awe of Karen's work]. Happy trails! xoxo

  12. This is going to be so exciting to watch! :0) Mo xx

  13. Wow, love all the research materials you've gathered, gorgeous and colourful. They made me smile :)
    Hugs, LLJ 38 xxxx

  14. Such a pretty looking desk! Enjoy your new courses/projects. Take care. Zo xx 43

  15. Wow Lynn, that sounds like an amazing project. The images you have cut out and found already look stunning so I will watch this with interest. Thanks for sharing. Caro #46

  16. This sounds wonderful, I look forward to following your progress! X

  17. Sounds like an amazing journey!! Have a blast.

    I am new to WOYWW and friends with Sandee. Hope you have a chance to check out my blog and desk.
    Lori #81

  18. Sounds great - can't wait! xx

  19. Sounds like you have a lot planned for this year - good luck! Cindy #54

  20. Sounds like fun! I look forward to seeing your creations.
    Happy WOYWW,

  21. it sounds like a really great course!
    can't wait to see some of your creations... this is why WOYWW is so inspiring :)
    Happy WOYWW and have a great week )
    no. 10
    PS I've sent a message via your shop contact page - I can't get the email link to work on Blogger :(

  22. Your photos are so bright and happy! I have loved Karen's white work embroidery for a long time--what fun to take a class with her! Please keep us up to date on your progress and research! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #104

  23. Hi
    This is my first time at WOYWW and I hope you don't mind me looking around your blog while I am here.

    1. Hi Ria hope you enjoyed your blog hop and visiting all the desks at WOYWW
      Feel free to pop in anytime

  24. Since I love to sew on a lot of my projects, I am going to go check out the link, hopefully I can learn some new techniques! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  25. Sounds like you have some fun projects ahead of you!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Apryl #9

  26. I love hand embroidery and cannot wait to see your finished book of thread beauties. Well done for starting this challenge

  27. That sounds wonderful - I think I'm a little bit jealous!!

  28. How fun to stretch your skills! Enjoy!!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #60

  29. I love the 'stuff' you've already collected for research. I look forward to seeing pictures of your journey to the final product. April #136

  30. That sounds very interesting and a whole lot of fun! Enjoy!
    Happy belated WOYWW!
    Tertia 17

  31. My mother used to do a lot of embroidery work, so I have a real appreciation for it. As to personal libraries, I love to go through and/or re-read old books too. Blessings, Barb!
