Wednesday, 28 August 2024

What’s on your Workdesk Wednesday - The whole of August

As August comes to a close I’ve done a little round up of how the month has been in our household.

I’ve finished my COLOUR prompt over at No Rules Textile Society.  

Last week saw me co presenting a community radio programme.
It must have been okay as they’ve invited me back

August is my birthday month
A good excuse to ask for books as pressies

There’s been some new additions to the kitchen

Oh and look at these lovely biscuits my friend gave me.

We’ve even sneaked a few days away at our caravan in the Lake District.

There’s a couple of lovely vintage shops nearby and I’ve snaffled
two beautiful Victorian children’s garments and a card of British made
pearl buttons.  They’ll be put away ready for a suitable project.

I’m working on some basic printing for the start of the new prompt
with my textile group.

I almost forgot we had a lovely time at Art In The Pen held at 
Skipton Auction Mart. It was our first visit and won’t be our last.
There really is the crème de la creme of British makers & artists
trading there.  I spent my birthday money on this pretty silver filigree brooch.

September is looking like a busy one for us, so you probably 
won’t see me until the end of the month.
I’m sorry I haven’t been able to comment on previous posts but 
Blogger is throwing some odd things up and I can’t get onto folks
comment boxes 

Take care all and happy crafting 

Linking up with 


  1. What an interesting post today - loved reading about your August! Those biscuits look lovely!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #7

  2. Loved your birthday month. Belated greetings. That last pic of you is perfect.

  3. Lovely to see you here again. So much to se, but that brooch and the cookis are just wonderful. Happy Birthday and it sure looks like you made the most of it. your "caravan" looks like a real home away from home. What a delight. Enjoy your printmaking - and lest I forget, WOW to the bowl. It looks amazing!
    Hoping for a better desk-hop day this week!
    Mary Anne (3)

  4. What a lovely post - well worth waiting for. Your colour boards are fab- lots of interesting bits and bobs so creatively combined. Your brooch is so pretty - what a clever crafter. We love Skipton but I've never been to the Art in the Pen event.- sounds just my thing. xx Jo

  5. Seems like such a busy and lovely month has been had by you and your other half. Whereabouts is your caravan? We have been at ours the whole month and so enjoyed the peace and quiet.
    Love the brooch. An old friend of mine goes to that show in Skipton. `Love Skipton.
    Hugs, Neet x 1 x

    1. Hi Neet our caravan is at Ayeside. It’s Whitestones on the old A590

  6. Hope your annual health check goes well this afternoon Lynn - I have lost 10kg since last year so a happy bunny as far as that goes. Loving the colour board and the fabulous birthday brooch. Fabulous finds in the vintage shops. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  7. Good to see you this month and hear about your busy birthday month! Hope to see you again soon . Happy woyww Helen #2

  8. I’m an August baby too! You’ve done some wonderful things this month and made some lovely items too, so colourful and bright. Loved your birthday brooch too!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  9. Hope you’ve had a lovely birthday, you certainly seem to have a busy August. I loved your birthday brooch and the Victorian finds especially.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 13 xx

  10. Hi Lynn, it's always great to see what you're up to. Love your victorian finds. I think you would like the hotel we are at the moment it's in Matlock Bath. They have kept it as the Victorians would have known it, you can see it on-line it's called Hodgkinsons Matlock Bath and it's like staying in a museum. The biscuits look too nice to eat but guess you'll be brave soon. Happy woyww, Angela x10x

  11. What a super August, love the lemon items and the pinks too. Hugs BJ#12

  12. I have really enjoyed catching up with your life. So many lovely things to see.
    Annie x #6

  13. oh!!BLots of loverly pictures those bisciuts look soooo yummy, but what a shame to eat them! Love all your pictures...have a great week Have a happy (late) WOYWW!?((Lyn)) #15

  14. Lovely to see what you've been up to in the month of August, Lynn.
    Wishing you a belated happy birthday! And ooh, those biscuits look far too good to eat! xxx

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