Wednesday 11 September 2024

A good coat of looking at …. WOYWW

As you can see I’ve been doing a lot of thinking
Giving jobs a good coat of looking at

and experimenting 

Started off gelli printing 

Then got sidetracked

 I couldn’t get this You Tube video I’d watched on turning paper into fabric out of my head

 So I had to have a go. It’s a Japanese technique called Momigami.
No idea where I’m going with it, so I’ll come back
with the results another time.

To make way for it I’ve moved all my No Rules Textile Society
work to one side of the wall.

Then I got distracted again and rejigged some of the shelves in my studio.
Honestly it’s like that thing with housework that you end up with six jobs
on the go at once.  Not that I do a lot of housework, so I’ve no idea how I
would know that fact.

Have a lovely crafty week deskhoppers.
Linking in with


  1. You read my mind. I've been so interested in the paper "netting" technique and I love love love your sample. It's fab. And have done momigami loads, but combining the two is cool. Love it. Do more...and share :D
    Quick scoot round before knitting WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  2. You're a real butterfly flitting from one thing to another and I love it. Have fun.
    Annie x #16

  3. I can well imagine you will be putting some stitching into that piece of Japanese fabric - it looks yummy now so whatever it turns into will be brilliant.
    Love your montage at the top of your post.
    Hugs, Neet xx 1

  4. I've never heard if momigami bit it looks stunning . Have a great week. Helen #2

  5. I'm always getting distracted so don't worry you're not the only one. I look forward to seeing the results of your efforts. Wishing you a happy woyww, hugs Angela x12x

  6. Hi Lynn, long time no see!
    I haven't heard of momigami either, but it looks very. interesting and I can't wait what the next step is in the process.
    I recognized the fabric of the bunting in the second photo. I have a table cloth like that.
    I'm like you and go from job to job as I live alone and I get easily distracted.
    Happy WOYWW,

  7. I haven't heard of momigami either, but it looks stunning! I look forward to where your creativity takes you. I'm always sidetracked with a bit of this and bit of that, your creativity needs to flow.......that's why housework needs to wait! Happy WOYWW, have a great rest of the week. Michelle x #18

  8. I admire your creativity and I think getting sidetracked is just part of the process and thus a must :-) The momigami technique sounds intriguing. I wonder if it would help if I gave the housework a good coat of looking at :-) xxx

    1. Definitely give the house a good coat of looking at Ann, then go and have a coffee and a cake in the nearest cafe before the idea of cleaning takes hold xx

  9. I love your post! I'm renovating my kitchen/diner/lounge starting next week and I spend a lot of time standing staring at the wall trying to envision what needs to happen. A good coat of looking at as you say. Your paper experiments look intriguing and I totally get the getting sidetracked, Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #7

  10. I know all about getting sidetracked!
    The momigami sounds and looks very interesting!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #3

  11. Ooh turning paper into fabric sounds fascinating Lynn. Love how eclectic your work is always. May you keep getting side tracked! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  12. Hello Lynn, I like that, a 'good coat of looking at'. I do that a lot, especially in my craft room that really needs worked at not looked at! I enjoy catching up on your experiments. Look forward to seeing just what you do with turning paper into fabric. Off to give my garden a good coat of looking at. Have a wonderful weekend. Elizabeth x #9

  13. Nothing like a ponder and experiment. The Japanese paper looks good and I love the colours of your textile work. Hugs BJ#6
