Wednesday 22 May 2024

May you’ve been such a pretty month - WOYWW

Hasn’t May been such a pretty month.  We’ve had some lovely days at our old caravan in the Lake District.  To smarten it up I added new checked pillowcases and some candle lamp shades.  It was so nice sitting outside eating breakfast listening to the birds.

Honestly I thought retirement was a slower pace of life.  Not in this house our days are always full of activities. I’ve spent too many hours to add up looking at kitchens for my sister. Thankfully one is ordered now.  

There’s been a visit to the cinema to catch Back to Black, the Amy Winehouse film.  We’ve had some lovely walks and a visit to the North West Alpine Flower show which was held at our local civic hall.  The entries were stunning.

Last weekend I visited a textile/vintage/craft event in Todmorden at Felinewood Crafts where I came across this cut up skirt on the Rag Table. 

I’ve since found out it comes from product development at a fashion house.  Apparently they cut out chunks of fabric for reference and the rest they purposely damage so unsanctioned designs don’t get sold on. (Thanks Katherine for the information).

I will be passing that snippet of news onto the members of the No Rules Textile Society at our next zoom meeting.

Lucky me won a £100 voucher to spend on summer clothes at our local garden centre.  We had great fun at the prize handover followed by lunch in their garden cafe.

There has been some sad things in this lovely of months. Two of my best friends lost their Mums within days of one another.  So we’ve been keeping each other going by visits, phone calls, support and little gifts of food, books, magazines, planned outings and general chit chat.  

Back in my studio I’m following a plan that one of my textile pals used to get her over a creative hump.  She told me she showed up at her work desk/studio every day for three weeks with no plans only to see what would emerge.

Crikey she is so right, I’ve been doing it for the last week or so and guess what I’m coming out of the inertia that has swamped me for months.  I don’t set myself a time, task or length of time to be there, just letting it be what it is.

I started this Stitchbook yonks ago and this week I spent some time finishing my samples before arranging them on the pages.

I’ll let you know how the rest of the “Show up every day” project goes in my next post.

Before I sign off can I give a big shout out to Julia Budd our beloved leader of 15 years who has kept all the fabulous crafters of What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday together over all that time. You’ve done an amazing job and we are sorry to see you step down but love the friendships you’ve created with your weekly blog link up.  Thank you gorgeous lady xxx

I’ll see you at the end of June everyone if not before.
Enjoy the warmer days and lighter nights.


Linking to What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday 


  1. Gosh your weeks are full! I adore your stitch book - it looks a lot of fun to work in and will be lovely when full. I also love that little card of linked dancers. Very sweet. Let's hope the June sunshine is warm and bright so we can all share in your travels - although I don't see rain stopping you much!
    Happy Knitting Day (for me) WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  2. So many lovely things to see on your blog today - the cut up skirt was so interesting, I had never hear of that before. There’s plenty of fabric left in it to upcycle it though. And I love your stitch book, what a great idea that is. Gorgeous colours and textures!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  3. You always have a lot to share and it's good to see you creating too ! Happy woyww Helen #2

  4. Showing up everyday is a great way to get things moving! I hope it's working for you. The stitch book is awesome, such a great idea! Yes, retirement can be busy, but I also so enjoy the days where there is nothing to do but art, eat and nap! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #15

  5. I'm considering retirement in the next two years or so, but seeing how busy you are I might reconsider :-)
    Anyway, seems you had a wonderful month of May, with better weather than we had here in Belgium. There was no question of having breakfast outside at all.
    It was lovely to read your catch-up, and congratulations on winning that £ 100 voucher. Lucky you! xxx

  6. Making quick visits while away as the Wi-Fi is good at the villa. Thanks for joining in and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  7. Those alpine flower creations are lovely. Your board is full of interesting items. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

  8. wow you're been soooo busy! love the little flowers...most of mine have I think I trip out to get new ones is in order! Well, its just popped up on my laptop that it's going to rain.... well, that will save me one job! Have a great week. Happy WOYWW!?((Lyn))#14

  9. A great read and fabulous stitch book too. Happy woyww and have a great weekend - Michelle #13

  10. What an interesting post! I have one of those of Stitchbooks which I must start!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #4
