Wednesday, 25 May 2022


Just popping in with a quick thank you for your good wishes
and the lovely anniversary WOYWW cards ladies.

I’ve got some good news at last.

After what seems like weeks and weeks of one drama after another I can now say we are moving forward. If you missed it all, here’s a quick reminder. House move, Mum’s flat floods three times, another house move, two unexpected deaths of close friends, a snapped clutch pedal, many many cancelled plans and lots of holding of baited breath.

Here’s the schedule ahead

Monday 23rd May - contractors confirmed Mum’s flat is now dry and they have removed the driers.
Tuesday 24th May - Decorator coming to finish off
Wednesday 25th May - Residents meeting at Mum’s retirement complex/phone & broadband set up
Thursday 26th May - carpets fitted
Friday 27th May -  Vinyl fitted to kitchen 
Saturday 28th May - Packing up ready for move
Sunday 29th May - Move back to flat
Tuesday 31st May - new wardrobe arriving 
Plus a mammoth amount of paperwork and phone calls.

After that we have a jubilee party and settling in time for mum in her new flat and her getting to know the area.

So by the end of June we hope will be chilling out at our little caravan in the Lake District.  Our first trip there this year. 

Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well and I can get back to creating and jolly blogging soon.

That’s a wrap for now.

Thanks for sticking with me.



  1. Wow, You HAVE had a challenging time haven't you? Sorry to hear it but yes, hopefully things will settle for you soon. I have to say I do LOVE your "wrap" and enjoy prepping for your grand caravan holiday! I'll bet it can't come soon enough :)
    Happy start of year 14!!
    Mary Anne (1)

  2. Oh Lynn, what a time you’ve had…I’m so sorry about your friends and the upset about your mum’s flat, I really hope that things will get sorted and your life can be a bit less frenetic. Sending hugsxxx A caravan holiday sounds just the thing to help, some good relaxation and crafting.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  3. What a crazy time you've been having Lynn. I'm so glad to hear life is finally settling down for you all.
    Annie x # 8

  4. Sorry you have been having a tough time of it and obviously your mother is affected too by all the delays. My sympathies regarding your friends funerals. Always a sad time. Wishing you smooth sailing Angela #16

  5. Let's hope by the end of the month life will have calmed down and you can chill for a while - you need it! xx Jo

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friends - what a tough time you 've been having. I do hope your mum isn't too affected by all this and will soon be settled back into her home. It sounds like a trip to your caravan and a Jubilee party will be just what you need after all this. Not long until you can relax, enjoy and craft!
    Diana xx #17

  7. Good morning Lynn 🤗💕 I'm so relieved to read that things are finally falling into place for you all 💕 not long till your Mum can get settled back in at home 💛 Enjoy the party and the break at the caravan 🥰 Your photos as always are such a joy to see, thank you. Sending much love to you and your family Tracy #20 xxx

  8. When life gets in the way, I tend to lose my patience. BUT we are 'woman' and we'll get there.
    Hope all goes ok with your Mom so you can get away to the caravan
    Christine #23

  9. Oh I do hope everything goes to plan now Lynn - you will certainly deserve your time away. Lovely ATCs. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  10. I'm glad to hear that you've finally received some good news and I keep keeping my fingers crossed that there are no further hiccups! xxx

  11. At least you can escape to your caravan which must be heaven. I have no idea when we will ever get away to anywhere as my mum is very needy now, guess it's our age she is 94 now. Sometimes life seems to throw everything it can at you all in one go, looks like it's been doing that to you recently. Take care have a happy woyww, hugs Angela x14x

  12. Dear Lynn, You *have* been going through some difficulties, as we have across the mantra has become "this too shall pass". I wish you a happy caravan escape, well-deserved I'm sure. Love, Colette xxxx

  13. Thank goodness for a bit of good news at last. Wishing you a perfect escape to the caravan. Much love to you both. xxx

  14. OMG there’s a lot to do still! also disruptive, I hope your sweet Mum can see the light at the end of the tunnel and that some of the meetings and maybe some Jubilee events will help her to look forward to being settled. As for you two, you will definitely need that break,I relish the idea for you!

  15. We really must have a coffee and catch up Lynn! glad things are finally sorted with your mum xx

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