Wednesday, 17 February 2021


It’s not my desk, but it is newsworthy.
I had my first vaccine jab yesterday.
The Astra Zeneca Oxford one, and the wandering welder
had the Pfizer one three weeks ago.

I’m in the kitchen now doing my best to throw the dead
tulips out but it’s not happening.  Instead I’m being all
arty farty with them.

Sometime later.

I bought these laser cut leaves and seed heads, from local
maker/designer Hannah Nunn, to hang up next to the air plant
mini terrariums in my workroom.  You string them together with
thin nylon.

They were hard to get a good photo of.  You’ll just have to
take my word for it that they look really good.

They’re hanging from the light fitting if you’re wondering.

Next up I’m going to dive into my stash of fabric to see
If anything inspires me to start a bit of stitching.

I should have a jab more often, I’m on fire today haha.

I hope everyone is doing okay.
Looking forward to seeing what you’ve all been doing.


I’ve popped back to add my respects to everyone else’s on the loss
of Shaz.  I never met her but we were friends through our blogs
and the things she sent me.
Love to you all who are feeling her loss today


  1. Glad to hear you've had your jab Lynn and the wandering welder too. My hubby gets his tomorrow. Fantastic hanging. Stay safe. Sarah #6

  2. Same at ours, me AZ - him Pf. Wish I had had the Pf one too. Still I am grateful for anything to get some safety measure in place.
    Love the 'faffing' as you call it, what a lovely display of tulips and I always leave mine until the bitter end.
    Keep faffing, you do it so well.
    Hugs, Neet xx 17

  3. My hubby just got his invite, I had my jab a couple of weeks back and I cannot wait for things to get better. Love your hanging art, and still adore that patchwork wall!

    Hugs to all on a sad WOYWW day.
    Mary Anne (1)

  4. Woohoo to having the jab, one step nearer getting back to normal. Love what you’ve share today, the hanging decorations are fab and the drawer of fabric makes me happy!
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  5. So glad you've had the jab - I'm in the next group waiting to be done I think so hopefully won't be long now. Love the arty farty tulips and the hanging die cuts - you do everything with such style.
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #22

    1. Thank you Diana, you’re very kind. Hope you get your jab soon xx

  6. Glad you have both had your first jabs Lynn, a little security blanket feeling i'm sure. I agree with Diana you do everything with such style, beautiful display.
    Creative wishes Tracey #3

  7. Oh wow! I absolutely LOVE those dangly fronds and that terrarium! Now of course you have me pondering about getting one myself... darn you! Much love on this difficult day, Lisa-Jane #7

  8. I love what you have done with the tulips, so often we throw out flowers because they are wilting, without recognising that they still have potential!
    Chris #15

  9. I love your posts - always so many lovely bits and bobs to look at. The dangly leaves etc look really good with your terrariums - you are such a creative gal! xx Jo

  10. I’m sorry I’m so late visiting this week. I’ve been head down making Memory bears this morning.
    I always love your creativity Lynn. My hubby had his vaccine yesterday and I’m having mine on Friday so there is light at the end of the tunnel....hopefully
    Hugs, Annie x #9

  11. Hi Lynn. Brilliant - I am hanging on for the AZ jab because of allergy issues - I know my surgery knows about me - I spoke last week. But they are currently waiting for stock!! Oh well - I'm not going far...
    Those tulips definitely aren't dead - so well done on repurposing them!! Jabs obviously suit you - hanging decorations - fabric stash sorting... is there no end?
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #29

  12. I had a lively bouquet of tulips and they were doing really well. I decided to change the water, brought them back to the lounge and one by one they dropped all their petals 🙈. Angela #21

  13. Just got back from having my jab this afternoon - thats why I am so late posting. Your photos are stunning - i love the hanging plants! Take care xx Soojay 32

    1. Hope you feel ok. I’ve been conked out all day and had a bad headache xx

  14. Lynn, haven't had my jab yet. We are behind over here in the states and I hope to get mine within the next week or so. Not that I am looking forward to it. I hate shots! LOL Your tulips are gorgeous! It would be so hard for me to want to throw them out. Can you dry them? Not sure if the lose their beauty when you do, but I see so many folks dry out flowers and they look wonderful. I love the stringing laser cuts! The look so cute hanging!! Good luck with your stitching...those fabrics look fabulous! :) Blessings, Felicia #34

    1. I don’t know about drying the tulips. I’ll give it a time. They were so pretty I didn’t want to throw them out.
      Hope you get your jab soon xx

  15. So envious that you've had your jab! We're still a long way from where you are here in Belgium, and all the dithering is doing my head in, and making me quite, quite mad. I told Jos I refuse to pay this year's taxes until we've both got our jabs! Anyway. How lovely do the arty farty dead tulips look, and those laser cut leaves and seed heads are gorgeous! xxx

    1. Been asleep on and off all day Ann. Had a bad night with a headache. Just tired now. Let’s hope you get yours soon.
      Such a
      Shame to throw out the tulips. Next time I’ll try pressing them xx

  16. Happy sewing, looking forward to seeing what you made. Jo x

  17. Great news on the jab. This on fire it a subconscious reaction to the fact that the jab might bring to an end that feeling of having all the time in the world?! Loving the arty tulip arrangement, I mean, what sort of an arty mind does that? minds like mine just put off doing anything till they’re brown and then it’s all I can do to sling em in the green bin!! I wonder what you’re stitching. And if you’re doing it quietly and demurely or chatting like a mad woman....all because of the jab, of course!

    1. Didn’t stay on fire long Julia. Been asleep off and on all day and had a bad headache. Not to worry I’ll be back as Arnie says xxx

  18. I'm so sorry to read about your lovely friend.
    I'm delighted to hear that you've bothe been jabbed and how fabulous did you look when you went? I bet you were the best dressed there!
    The studio is looking absolutely gorgeous, I want to move in. xxx

  19. well done on the jab! I've got a niggling head today too so keeping it short - but love the tulip shots! Helen #2

  20. Oh Lynne keep being arty farty.... the little creations with flowers and leaf cuts outs are just gorgeous. Well done on the jab and hope that situation in UK continues to improve. Sad news regarding Shaz but also lovely posts... she will be missed.
    Have a great week creating.
    Sandra de @28

  21. I started off okay today with the visits, walked dogs and went into the cabin and now I don't know where the time went to! Great to see you so busy. Shaz will never have really left us because her blog will keep her alive for us and I can tell you it wont be the last time I pop over there for some ideas when I get stuck, God Bless her. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela,x18x

  22. I love the dangly leaves, Lynn, and your outfit is so great, especially the boots! The open drawer with the fabrics spilling out is an artwork in itself and really gets one's creative juices going. As always, a lovely post. More power to the Arty Farty in this world, I say.

    Thank you for your visit. I am devastated about poor Shaz. I am really going to miss her.

    Have a good week,
    Shoshi x #25

  23. we had to pay to get ours, we are not quite Japanese citizens so we went to the us navy base and paid for no1 , they were really nice and gave us tips and advice after, shame I feel awful now.
    But it’s side effects. I always thank my flowers for being in my house and bringing me joy.
    Mari kondo has a lot to answer for! Love the cut outs. Sorry for the loss of your friend. May she rest in peace.

  24. Well done on getting the jab!
    Love your arty farty tulips!
    Susan #5

  25. Got my jab today, the PF one. I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. xx

  26. I had my jab...last.....Thurday and have only opened my laptop today. Feeling ok now. I have tulis, but mine are still in the ground not a shoot of green at all! Oho if that's your sideboard with all those drawers, I'm soooo jealous! Keep Crafting! Stay Safe! very late WOYWW ((Lyn)) #13
