Saturday 13 February 2021

Lockdown Diary - It’s Friday again.


Every week we find ourselves saying it’s Friday again.
Not because we’ve been working or that we have any weekend plans.
It can only be said and thought out of habit.

After my morning journal writing, posting the Friday Smile blog post,
catching up on emails and social media it was time for a shower
and my daily Pilates session.

Breakfast was the usual porridge and berries and a second cup of tea.

A surprise phone call came from local vaccine centre to say I
could have my first jab on Tuesday at 10.30am.  So that’s
me booked in.

Postman Sid arrived with the new lampshade from
Nipper & Moo and we love it.

Friends called to the door to pick up some papers for crafting.
Speaking of which I’m working my way through some old photos
of things I’ve made in the past.  I’m documenting them on a new
Instagram page I’ve created purely for crafting & creating.

I’ll keep adding pics as I go along.
I’m using the prompts in the bottom corner
to influence my selection.  It’s quite cathartic
going through them.

Friday nights tea
Chilli Con Carne
With or without yoghurt sir.

Look at today’s date, it’s a Palindrome.  Believed to be a lucky date
in some cultures. 

1202 20 12

It’s the same backwards.
The next one will be 22.02.2022


  1. You're right, it's the same backwards! I would never have noticed if you hadn't pointed it out. I'm commenting on your post backwards too, it seems. What a coincidence: we are actually having Chili con Carne tonight :-) I'll have a look at your Instagram account later! And the most wonderful news about you being scheduled in for your first jab! I'm afraid we'll have to wait a while yet here in Belgium! xxx

    1. It was my friend who pointed out the date Ann. I hadn’t noticed it either.
      Hope the chilli was tasty xxx

  2. I recognise that cushion!!
    How fabulous does that lampshade look? The colours are wonderful.
    I'm so excited about your Covid vaccine. I keep checking the official website to find out when we can expect ours, it's looking like any time between 27/4 and 11/5 - yipee! xxx

    1. I was very excited about the lampshade, it’s finished that corner off nicely.
      I don’t think it will be long before the over 50’s get called for the vaccine. They’re getting threw them so quickly. It’s great news xxx
