Thursday, 14 January 2021

Lockdown Diary 2021 ....... patchwork wallpaper

I’ve woken up to different weather every day this week. Today it was snow and rain.

Most of the day was spent working in the office.
I’ve shut the door as it’s such a tip.

After straining the brain it was time for something completely different,
like Instagram chum Deedee’s gorgeous hand decorated wall.

Dee has painstakingly cut out hexagon shapes from vintage wallpapers,
then using wallpaper paste attached them to the wall.

I love the effect so much I decided to have a go myself.

I’ve cut oblong pieces because it’s only a strip of wall I want to cover.
Oblongs are less fiddly as well.

After measuring and guilloting the pieces I’ve used a glue stick
as a temporary adhesive.  Once I’m happy with the layout I’ll 
stick them down with wallpaper paste.

Today has flown by as does every day.

Hope you’re keeping warm and safe.

Thanks for dropping by.


  1. Beautiful view whatever the weather. Some of those wallpapers take me right back to the 60's. Looking back in past years I thought they were a little too much, but in recent years they just look so lovely and cheery and offering much needed relief from all that grey that seems to be so popular these days! A lovely creative idea.

    1. Thanks Julia. It could be quite addictive. Good job I haven’t got a large supply of papers

  2. i used to cover my school books in wallpaper as my mum wouldn’t buy magazines as she said they were a con. I was never a trendy child, more and odd ball!!! Love the idea by the way

    1. We used to use Brown paper to cover our books and carry them to school either In a basket or a vanity case xx

  3. Great idea and it looks lovely too. It brings back a few memories from my teaching days when we used to get those wallpaper books sent to us from parents when they were out of date....wish I still had them! Take care and stay safe. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I could do with one of those books right now as I’ve only got a few scraps.
      Then again maybe not, I’d probably end up doing half the house haha xx

  4. I've been meaning to do the patchwork wallpaper thingy for years, yours look fab! Dee's such a love, we used to have a right laugh when we used to meet up, she's got a wicked sense of humour.
    Look at all that snow through the window. Don't send it here! xxx

    1. I follow Dee on Instagram she writes it like a blog and her home is full of character. I sent her some retro tea towels I found in the chazzer a couple of years ago and she sent me some little Christmas crotchet decorations. I’m sat here thinking what a great tv programme it would make if they featured folk and their homes during lockdown and you and Dee were featured. I’d have George Clarke presenting it. Xxx

  5. What a fantastic idea! Your little strip of wall now looks so much better.
    Whatever happened to wallpaper books? I guess people don't use wallpaper anymore. We used to get them posted through the letterbox. Ideal for us children to play and colour. And sometimes we would be able to get our hands on a large one. Oh joy of joys!
    I love the view from your window. I know what you mean by it never being the same. Our view is different every day too. And it is different at different times of day of course.
    I happened to notice your guillotine on your craft table. I have one exactly like it and because of its size it is my go-to thing. I wanted to buy another one, but they don't seem to do them anymore (anyway, I can't remember the make).
    Have a lovely weekend,

    1. The little guillotine is a great go to piece of kit Lisca I agree. I’ve had it a few years and is always to hand along with my sellotape holder and scissors.
      There’s a fabulous wallpaper shop not to far from us and I love to bring home sample pieces of paper. You should see the enormous range of book they’ve got.
      Have a good weekend
      Lynn xxx

  6. Wow, that hexagon wall was a lot of work. I love your colourful stripes. What a great way to pass a day or two. You are right, the days do seem to be passing really quickly, all through lock-down. It is odd really when we have less commitments, but I am rarely bored.
    The changing views from your window are lovely too. Everything is so unpredictable these days. You never know what you are going to find each day.Kate x

    1. Honestly Kate time never went this fast when we were busy working. The days and weeks fly by.
      Woke up this morning to more fog and rain. Still it is January, it’s to be expected.
      Have a lovely weekend.
      Lynn xx

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you. It’s just what needed in the winter darkness xx

  8. I've never owned any out-of-date wallpaper books, but would LOVE to. You created an amazing wall. I really like how colorful yours turned out.

    I love the view through your window. It's amazing how each day changed the view. You have the perfect place to look out, too.

    Got a good laugh at that sign, too. Have a super rest of Friday and a great weekend, too, Lynn.

    1. Thank you. The wallpaper scraps have certainly brightened up the plain wall and it didn’t take long either.
      Enjoy your weekend. Catch you next week.
      Love Lynn xxx

  9. Deedee's hand decorated wall is a true work of art. I'm not sure I'd have the patience, but the result is spectacular. I'm loving your strip of wall, too. You might have given me an idea here. Will look out for some vintage wallpapers when I'm next in the charity shops. xxx

    1. I didn’t have the patience for hexagons Ann, I’m much more an instant results person that’s one reason I went for the oblongs. I’ve managed to locate some packs of vintage wallpaper pieces on Etsy. I’ve found another bit of wall I can attack haha.
      Have a nice weekend you two xxx

  10. My ex-boss once asked me to get rid of a wallpaper sample book of the very expensive type.I thought 'that's not going to the recycling tip' so I took it home and wallpapered my porch with some of the samples! I love the vintagey vibe and colours of your wall. Great job. Have a peaceful weekend.x

    1. Oh my I’d have been rubbing my hands together in glee if I’d had hold of that book. I bet your porch looked fabulous.
      Enjoy your weekend
      Lynn xx

  11. Thank you, I’m glad I spotted the idea in Dee’s house
    Have a good weekend
    Lynn xx

  12. I'm not sure what's happened since Friday. I read all the Friday smile posts on my iPad but I just haven't got back to my lap top to leave comments til today....I've been making pants, finishing off a fox and footing a ladder for my hubby to fit a new outside light so I'm guessing I've just got distracted....sorry.
    What a brilliant your choice of papers.
    Annie x

  13. Do not talk about ladders in this house please Annie. Philip was putting the Christmas decorations away in the loft, the ladder slipped and I couldn’t get to it and he fell to the ground. Fortunately we have a nice new carpet which softened his landing. The air was blue, not with his swearing but mine heehee xxx
