Sunday, 17 January 2021

And so folks this was Sunday .......

How lovely to wake up to a morning without rain, snow or fog.

After a cup of tea, writing my journal and catching up with social media
it was time for a shower then my Sunday morning Pilates.
It’s a different practice to other days as I include a bit of reflexology.
Before lockdown I’d enjoyed regular sessions for years so I know the techniques.

Just after lunch we got wrapped up and headed out for a walk and top up of Vitamin D.
It was lovely to see families out enjoying themselves after being couped up all week.

We are so lucky to live where we do with countryside right on our doorstep.
I convinced Philip that tree hugging was good for him heehee.

I can tell my creative side is beginning to show itself as I’m looking at things differently. 
Trees and walls take on a different perspective.

When we got home I dragged out a watercolour pad and found some old pieces in it from 2014.
I’ve no plans whether I’m going to be stitching, doodling, collaging or using some other sort of medium. 
It will all work out organically.

I even dragged out a stack of textile/art books I’ve collected over the last 20 years.

But then all that was put aside as Sunday’s is the day for a catch up on the phone with my sister who lives in Oxford.
A quick text to say get the kettle on I’ll phone you in five minutes and that’s us lost for a couple of hours.

Philip’s turn to make tea, so it’ll be a gourmet meal of beans on toast
then an evening of telly watching.  Hopefully it’ll take my mind off a trip to the dentist tomorrow.

Hope you’ve had a good weekend.
We are moving forward folk.  Stay strong.


  1. Sounds like a perfect Sunday to me. I love the tree hugging shot and love your nice big stack of textile books too. Enjoy your evening and good luck with the dentist tomorrow. Have a great week! :)

    1. Thank you Martha. Books are a godsend to me and always have been.
      The dentist trip went well and fingers crossed it’ll be six months before I have to go again.
      Have a good week too. Xx

  2. I hope your visit to the dentist went well, Lynn. I always need lots of distraction the day before an appointment! You live in such a beautiful area, just perfect for a ramble, and some tree-hugging! What a lovely pile of books! I've got a textile book from a charity shop which I was going to bring to last June's cancelled meet-up. One day soon, I hope! xxx

    1. Got the all clear at the dentist. I only went because my teeth have been so sensitive of late. I think subconsciously I’m gritting them. There’s a bit of an age thing as well, but he said they’re fine and to rub sensitive toothpaste on them at bedtime.
      That’s so lovely you thinking of me for the book. We will meet up again one day. We have that to look forward to.
      Lots of love xxx

  3. I hope you got on okay with the dentist.
    Look at those lovely paintings and that incredible collection of books, I remember being mesmerised by them when I visited you! xxx

    1. All good at the dentist. He’s such a lovely chap, we always have loads to talk about.
      I hope you’ll both come and stay again in the future. We can do a tour of the town hall and historic buildings in the town and finish off in weatherspoons. The town hall is in the throws of a massive renovation project and won’t be open to the public until 2023 so put it on your to do list xxx

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