Saturday, 14 November 2020

Lockdown 2 - I’ve retreated

November has brought with it a period of silence from me.  I stopped looking at social media, reading my favourite blogs and chatting with friends on Instagram.  I don’t know why, maybe the second lockdown, I’ve retreated from anywhere outside my own space and territory. Probably the sprained ankle didn’t help either.

I’m grateful for friends checking in to see if we are okay, you are a blessing and we are fine.

I’m not ready to join in again yet so I’ll just leave you a pic of the book I’m reading.  It’s random and it’s very funny.  I can imagine her kids, husband and parents cringing.

Right now it’s Saturday morning and it’s time for the best radio programme of the week - Radio 2’s Tony Blackburn’s Sounds of the Sixties.  

Stay safe, we are still a long way off the end but we are getting there.


  1. Hi sweetie, I am glad you are safe and well!!! I was so worried about you. I tried to message you, but Japanese internet is terrible!!! i don’t blame you . Keep safe love and huggs allie

  2. I think it's been getting to us all, especially the bit about not sharing Christmas Day with our loved ones. Stay safe and well both.

  3. I was indeed starting to get worried, so I'm glad you checked in to tell us you are both well. I'm still having my ups and downs - which can't be helped, really - but today was a good day, so I'm counting my blessings. It's OK to retreat from time to time, but don't be a stranger for too long, Lynn! Sending the hugest of virtual hugs to you and Philip xxx

  4. hey Lynn.... sending you hugs....

    I, too, am limping around on a bad foot... no clue what it is ... the past two days have been the best in 2 months... fingers crossed it is healing.


  5. Happy to hear that you are safe . . . love the cartoon :)

  6. It sounds like something we would all benefit from. Time to pause and heal our battered souls. I have a sprained ankle too. I went over on it during a walk on the trail. Ended up falling heavily into all the muck and gribble on the ground and emerged looking like a swamp monster. A kindly elderly man came rushing to my aid and all I could think was ‘I hope he hasn’t got COVID’. It has come to this 😞. Enjoy your retreat and hope your ankle feels better soon and your soul emerges refreshed. xx

  7. Lovely to see your gorgeous faces pop up again! Your dress is magnificent.
    We're living in chaos at the moment what with window fitters, clouds of dust, drilling, banging, hammering and masked men wandering about. We've got a break from the work this weekend and I was laughing at myself sitting on a dustsheet in my knickers with all the furniture piled up in a heap and grit on my knees applying false eyelashes.
    Keep calm and carry on! xxx

  8. Hi Lynn, you are doing just the right thing, so go easy on yourself, we be kind to family and friends but never think of giving ourselves some T.LC! So just retreat and do some of the things you enjoy doing, a good few books to read and a little dabble at your crafts, just the right weather to hunker down too.
    Keep warm and well, and remember, nothing lasts forever Brummie Sue.Xx.
