Friday, 16 October 2020

Seasons of Change

I’m starting to feel as if I’ve nothing to say.  It feels as if we are just getting through each day.  Don’t get me wrong I’m not unhappy, just struggling to see an end to it all. 

When there are more changes it seems to take me a day or so to rebalance myself.

My sister Jill’s visit came and went far to quickly and now Lancashire where we live has been put in Tier 3, so who knows when we will see her again.

Last Saturday we put Auntie Gladys ashes in her final resting place next to Uncle Geoff.  I'm so glad I’ve done this as I feel now as if I’ve settled her and there’s somewhere for me to go when I feel the need.

Another momentous event this week was closing our caravan up for the end of the season.  Hard to believe we’ve only been twice.

Look how kind the weather was to us though.  It was perfect.

It’s such a pretty caravan park.  No shop, no clubhouse, just nature, peace and some days we spot roe deer as well as squirrels and birds.

So what now then for the winter months.

Well there’ll be lots of reading, moorland walks, shopping at our local outdoor market.  There’s the serious issue of closing down our business of 40 years.  We are going to change the office into the spare bedroom to give us more space. There’s lots of decluttering and shredding of years and years of paperwork to be done, so we won’t be bored.

We are still waiting for our new carpet.  As it’s coming from Ireland, who knows when it will arrive. Then when it’s down there’ll be lots of cosy nights in front of the telly on our reupholstered sofas.

Please all stay safe and well.  It’s a scary world right now.


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