Wednesday, 12 September 2012

What's on my workdesk today .....

 Well I did my last bit in the revamp of the Head's office so I've not been at my desk and thought you might like to see the final bit.

The school is back in action now and the comments have been great.  They had a meeting in the room yesterday and everyone said what a wonderful room to work in.  What made me laugh while I was putting up these canvasses was the amount of people that kept popping in asking to work at the table they use for meetings.  I also helped to rejig the reception area while I was there.  They were amazed at how just moving things about a bit, changing picture frames and decluttering can make such a difference.
Wish I could apply that to my house some days haha ! 
You can see some more pictures on his link

 Could this be my next assignment ?  Watch this space.

Now have a look what other people have been upto this week.


  1. Congratulations Lynn - it's looking just wonderful!
    What is that scary looking room that looks like a tornado's been through it? De-cluttering? It needs another tornado to clear that lot, haha :0)

  2. Hi Lynn, well done on the revamp, it looks so friendly and inviting now but the next room looks like it might take a bit more work.....but if anyone can do it, you can! Best of luck. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #82

  3. Wow your revamp looks fab, love the colours and the doodly birds look perfect there. Take care Zo xx 109

  4. How lovely, the colour is so zingy!

    Come and revamp me please

    Jakix #110

  5. I think it looks amazing - they should ask you to do the whole school - what a difference!

  6. Your working areas are amazing. I love the vibrant green. Happy creativity and happy seem very adept at it:)
    xxx Sue 87

  7. Wow that is so good it looks wonderful and I love the bright colours. Ahh now onto the next room, good luck with that task.

    Eliza #93

  8. Well what a fab job you have done - I am sure all will be delighted. x Jo

  9. Great job, so well done Lynn and it must give you a great sense of satisfaction. Environment is so important to life!
    Lots of love Jo x

  10. that's taking tidying the workdesk to a whole new level ! Love the birds ! Ali #59

  11. You did a fabulous job, I love all those colours and the Doodly Birds.
    Have a great week.
    Von #54

  12. Hi Lynn,

    Very cool! I can see why the table would be popular to work on. Who doesn't want to be surrounded by doodly birds and fun wallpaper?!?

    Where is the next project?

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay #31

  13. That's the best headteacher's office I've ever seen - well done on a great job!!
    Hugs, LLJ #70 xx

  14. Lookin good :) Love having a peek into the spaces of fellow crafter's! If you happen to peek in on my blog, be sure to wear a hard hat! LOL!
