Wednesday, 22 February 2023

In and out of the garden - WOYWW

There’s snowdrops in the garden 

daffodils on the table

and pancakes for tea

I’ll have to do two rounds of the reservoir to get rid of this sugar laden load of calories.

Craft wise I’ve watched a fabulous zoom talk by Ceramic Patchwork artist Zoe Hillyard

Zoe takes charity shop find vases and pots, smashes them into pieces then rebuilds them by wrapping the pieces in fabric with stitch, no glue. Then she stitches the pieces back together into the original shape.

She was commissioned to do this series using these images from a fashion shoot.

I’m having a little go but it’s proving a lot harder than it looks.

It’s been a busy start to the year getting Mum’s finances sorted, along with the completion of the sale of her house. Add to that I’ve been house hunting for my sister who is coming back up north after 15 years in Oxford.

In the meantime I’m going to straighten out my fabric stash ready for the new prompt with the No Rules Textile Society. Hope everyone is well and still busily engrossed in their chosen creative craft.

Take care, catch you again soon

Here’s a bit of trivia before I go. On my birthday in 1994 the largest pancake ever made was in Rochdale near to where we live.


  1. Hi Lynn, nice to see you again. Love the idea with the vases, very creative. Sending woyww hugs, Angela x9x

  2. What a busy bee you are. I am a bit lost with the vases so I will have to look it up, not sure about 'stitch'. Saying that I think it is a fabulous idea and great for textile people especially.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  3. That fabric covered vase is amazing - bet yours will be too. Lovely your sis is moving to be closer to you. Wish mine could but it's not just North to South for her :) Bet you enjoyed your walk around the water. How nice to have something like that nearby. and CRIKEY! That pancake. More than a few trips around to walk that off :D
    Happy on-time WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  4. I love the look of the ceramic/fabric project but don’t think it’s for me, too fiddly by half! Your spring slower pics really lifted me this morning, gorgeous as well as your reservoir, the weather is changing albeit slowly! Hope you are doing ok xx
    Hugs LLJ 3 xx

  5. Ah what a post full of loveliness today. I love your layered look. Not sure about the fabric/ ceramics but maybe it's the way to go with my denim up cycling.🤣

  6. Lovely to see you Lynn, it seems ages since our paths crossed here! The vases are beautiful, it looks interesting but fiddly work! I always enjoy seeing your beautiful images of your home - the daffodils are such a lovely reminder that Spring is nearly here. What a fabulous views of the resevoir, you are so lucky to have that on your doorstep.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #14

  7. I also had pancakes but my DDs . . forgot!!
    What a brill idea in upcycling . . . hand stitching on a patio in the summer!
    So pleased that your sister is moving nearer to you, I'm sure she will love her new area.
    have a good week
    Christine #15

  8. Hiya! Lovely pics, think I will have daffs in the garden by the w/e!! Not sure abuot the stitched crockery but the results look lovely. Good luck with the house stuff - it's a nightmare isn't it!!

  9. That is an amazing craft, covering broken pieces of pottery- I wonder if she cuts herself often? Good luck with the house hunting. Happy WOYWW. Angela #18

  10. Hello stranger! Always lovely to see a post from you pop up!
    The Snowdrops and Daffs are such a sight for sore eyes, and oh my, I wouldn't mind one of those pancakes! My mind boggles over that giant pancake, though :-)
    The ceramic patchwork sounds intriguing and very original indeed!
    Sending love to you both from us two xxx

  11. hi Lynn, good to see you! there were a few daffodils out at Kew last weekend too. The ceramic patchwork sounds intriguing (typed pancake first. not sure I'd like a ceramic pancake!) Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  12. I'm rather late in the day doing my's been another busy one for me.
    I really love the ceramic remakes....sooooo clever.
    Annie x # 6

  13. Hello Lynn! That ceramic patchwork is mind-blowing, I'm not sure how it's even possible to hold it together without glue but I'm loving the effect.
    The Spring flowers are so cheery, I keep popping outside to check on the progress of my daffs, they're imminent. Jacob's out of hibernation so I'm hoping Spring really is around the corner and it's not the Fool's Spring that usually catches us out.
    Fabulous outfit and so excited for your sister! xxx

  14. Hellooo Lynn 🤗 what a joy to pop by, your post is a feast for the eyes this morning 💟gorgeous snowdrops and I'm loving your wee 🐭 ane 🥰 to the joy of daffodils bringing sunshine to a room 💛tooo Scrummy yummy pancakes 😋followed by a gorgeous walk by the reservoir... I could lose myself in the beauty at that spot 🥰 I'm loving the look with the fabric covered pottery,the amount of work that goes back into bringing it altogether just wow!
    You've been busy making sure all is well with your Mum ⭐️ good luck with the house hunting for your sister , will be lovely to have her close. Lynn I'm in love with that smock and waistcoat... all those layers .. I am literally swooning here!!! Wishing you much joy in the sorting with your fabric stash. Sending much love and hugs Tracy #21 xxxx

  15. P.S WOW just WOW that pancake was mahooooosive 😋🥰💕 It must have taken forever to cook ... oh my imagine the aroma in the air 😋😁🙃🥰

  16. Happy Spring for you! I love all the flowers! We are still under snow banks and piles of snow, but the snowdrops might arrive sometime near the end of March or beginning of April, maybe not until the middle of April...Spring takes a long to arrive here! The vases are very cool! I often think, when I see something cool, I could do that! But often - no I can't! I'm sure she has taken years to perfect her craft, and it wasn't easy for her either! But keep trying! It is so nice of you to be helping your mother and sister, I hope you find just the right house! That was a huge pancake! Can you imagine though, hanging around for hours until the thing cooked through! Did you get to eat any of it? Have a great week, Lindart #19

  17. I love the idea of the patchwork pots, as I read it I thought you were going to say she mended them using kintsugi, something I admire but know I could not do, however - a bit of stitchery just might be something to try :D
