Friday 2 July 2021

The joys of June …..

The joys of June

Time spent at our happy place (the caravan)
Time spent with family and friends
Days in the garden
Jobs well done 

I had to keep out of the way when I spotted
Bodgit & Scarper
at work on the replacement windows

Tuesday night saw the start of a four week basic sewing course
at Gaitra a local tailors shop. Owner Gail made me this dress and
bag last year out of a vintage barkcloth curtain I found in a charity shop.

I learnt more about my sewing machine in two hours than in
the 16 years I’ve had it.  So now it’s had a proper clean,
I know how to use twin needles, all about tension, identifying
which needles to use and different types of thread.
I’m gobsmacked at how much I took in and how it’s
revolutionised how I use it. My machine instruction book has
taken on a whole new life.

Next week we are making a bag. It was so nice to be on a
workshop in person. Apart from having to wear masks we
had a lovely time.

A trip over to Boundary Mill on Wednesday to find a present for a
friend resulted in some new cheery bedding and a lovely lunch out.
My iPad cover blends in beautifully with it.

After some playing printing with inks on Thursday afternoon it was time
to put into practice my new skills.

Some cut work and twin needle stitching.

Then a bit more playing around 

Frida my 18 year VW bug is having a sleepover at the
garage man’s house, he is doing a bit of diagnostic work on her.

Crikey it feels worse than leaving a pet at the vets.
Fingers crossed she feels better after some fine tuning.

The weekend is upon us again and I’ve a zoom meeting on
Saturday morning with the textile group and taking mum out
for lunch on Sunday.  We are planning on meeting up with friend
Sue and her dad.

Whatever you’re doing I hope you have a lovely weekend

Linking up with


  1. I am so pleased that you've enjoyed learning about your sewing machine it makes such a difference when you know how to use them and care for them properly. A friend of mine was having loads of problems with her machine and I had it working perfectly in about two minutes flat. Sadly she had even had it to be serviced and it still wasn't right when it came back which is not good. Love the new dress and bag that really is you. Wishing you a lovely weekend with lots more smiles, Angela xXx

  2. I'm really glad you have discovered the finer points of your sewing machine. I could do with a course like that as I only know the basics.
    I hope Frieda enjoyed her sleep-over and that she is OK.
    I love your last photo. Is that a new dress?
    Have a lovely weekend,

  3. Sounds like the perfect month of June!
    I'm pleased to read you've been getting to grips with your sewing machine, and that you're all set to make a bag next week.
    Love the new bedding and how divine is that iPad cover?
    I'm keeping Frida in my thoughts, hope she'll come back from the garage man as good as new! xxx

    1. I even used a sewing foot yesterday I’d previously failed with Anne and I’ve signed up for an online course on free machine embroidery. So far my test piece is looking good. I’m seeing how far it all takes me and at the very least I’m combining lots of different techniques and learning new things.
      Poor Frida has fuel injector problems and only likes going fast. She drives fine but has intermittent spells of spluttering. We need to find a good surgeon to help the doctor mend her haha. Until we do she is still riding the roads but won’t be going any further than the caravan xxx

  4. I didn't play today because I had my link up party I hosted. I stopped by to say hi and read your blog post. That's a lovely dress and bag. Glad you got familiar with your sewing machine. Mine is so old, all it does is straight and zig zag stitch. No feed dogs, either.

  5. Good luck, Frida! Young Kim's a bit under the weather, too!
    That sewing course sounds like something I could do with. There's a drawerful of gadgets in my machine that scare the bejesus out of me and haven't a clue what to do with!
    Hope your weekend was fabulous, you certainly look the part! xxx

    1. All is not good in the Frida department, her fuel injectors need inspecting and cleaning or replacing but nobody local does petrol ones, only diesel. When we find someone she will be off the road until it’s sorted. Fingers crossed a fuel injection Angel can be found.
      As for the sewing machine, mines taken on a whole new life now I know what everything does haha. xxx
