Wednesday, 23 December 2020


There’s a bunch of ladies that I’ve never met, yet are a constant in my life.

Each Wednesday they gather together through the power of the internet to show what
 they’ve been creating at their desks, to chat, to catch up on each other’s wellbeing,
 to support each other and to have a right giggle.

Now even though most weeks there’s not a thing on my desk 
I still show up and tip in my two pennurth and do enough to not get thrown out.

To this wonderful group of crafters, here’s a few meeting up in better times,  
I want to say “Thank you for your friendship, support and chats.  
You are the best and thank you to Julia for keeping us all together over all these years.

Happy Christmas to you all and thank you for the cards
and friendship.

Who knows I may get round to creating something other than a mess next year.

See you soon desk hoppers, stay safe and well
And above all enjoy yourselves.
Much love 


  1. So good to see you Lynn. Really hope we get to meet IRL sometime. Merry Christmas and here's to a better 2021 for all. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #11

  2. What a warm and heartfelt post Lynn, I’ve enjoyed seeing all your creations and fashions over the years, so thank you too! I really hope that we can meet up IRL at some point as well. Hope you have a lovely Christmas away from the madness.
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxxx

  3. Hi Lynn. What a lovely post. Thank you. We are a real mixed bunch, aren't we - but what a lot of fun and laughter and friendship we share around. It would be really great to meet you properly - in person - one of these days... You only live "round the corner"...
    Have a really special and Happy Christmas.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  4. What a beautiful post Lynn and it really says it all. I'm certain our Wednesday gatherings have really helped a lot of us get through a difficult year. I value our friendships too.
    I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas and hopefully 2021 comes with better news for all.
    Annie x #12

  5. Inspiring post and full of such lovely art as well. Maybe we can meet in person on day soon. Wouldn't that be the best gift ever?

    Merry Christmas to all of WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (3)

  6. Happy WoywW Christmas Lynn, there sure are many people out there that we have never met that send a smile and a good greeting our way every week at the stamping ground. Glad you are part of it with your beautiful work and words.
    Take care & Seasons Greetings Tracey #6

  7. What a lovely heartwarming post, and full of your beautiful sentiments and quirky and crafty pics! I owe you a big thank you to for being the person who led me to this lovely group a goodly few years ago now!
    I hope you have a lovely Christmas despite the restrictions, and stay safe and well dear friend,
    Diana xx #18

  8. Ah what a wonderful post Lynn. Happy Christmas and let's hope for a better New Year! xx Jo

  9. What a wonderful post! I probably will never meet any deskers many have a spot in my heart. Merry Christmas and God bless!
    Carol N #29

  10. What a lovely group of crafty ladies you are, and I'm glad to hear you've been giving each other continued support through this watershed of a year! Merry Christmas, Lynn xxx

  11. What a sweet post and a great past photo of deskers! Cheers to the future and Merry Christmas! Love, Karen #32

  12. I have enjoyed your posts so much, lovely photos, throughout the year and I look forward to another year of your delightful blogging. Yes, we might actually meet up at a market when Covid is over.
    Have a Wonderful Christmas - Stay Safe and Well
    Hiugs, Neet 8 xx

  13. That's a really lovely thing to say and I love how we all support one another too. Hoping your Christmas is as happy as the situation allows. Stay safe and take care. Helen # 1

  14. Lovely post, Lynn, lovely message too. I feel exactly the same about the wonderful WOYWW ladies. So glad Julia thought of it all. Yours is one of my favourite blogs - I enjoy seeing your makes, your fashion sense and your humour. Hope to meet you one day. Merry Christmas to you and your husband. Elizabeth x #35

  15. Hey, I got a “beware sensitive content” warning! It must be because you wrote “damn”. 🤣 Have a great Christmas x Angela #19

  16. You all are so lucky to have each other....I am so envious. Lynn, I want to thank you for all the terrific book titles you posted this year & last on IG & your Blog....I have greatly enjoyed being introduced to so many talented writers. I just sent a list of books to a dear friend who's battling stage 4 Breast Cancer. She's an incredible quilter, and cannot do it anymore, since her quilts were huge & listening to books while embroidering is her escape. Hope all is safe in your village this holiday season....and you can continue to take walks in mild weather. Holly Hudson

  17. Sorry I'm late it's been crazy here today, leaking washer and then fetching the Christmas order even the dogs didn't get their walk today but I'm here now. Loving your post today and wishing you the best Christmas possible. Hugs, Angela x10x

  18. I LOVE your 'hello its me dog' So glad I popped in to see even though google didn't want me to! (Cheek!) Have a great rest of the week, A very Merry Christmas! Stay safe, Happy WOYWW 603 ((Lyn)) #24

  19. What lovely tid-bits you've shared today. Love the dog and roses one, oh and the robins too.
    Have a Happy Christmas, Love BJ#17

  20. What a smashing gang to belong to, I love how blogging has enabled so many of us to find our tribe after being considered weird for most of our lives! xxx

  21. Lynn, love this post, your photos are all fun and adorable...I LOVE the 2nd one "Hello it's me" and a great photo of the gang. Yes it is a great group to belong too and I loved the zoom Saturday Wishing you and yours a MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS.

  22. What a great post Lynn - and isn't it wonderful to be able to appreciate all our fellow deskers? I love all your pictures this week. Thank you for your visit and for your good wishes, and I'm glad Ruby raised a laugh with her antics in the box!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #25
