Saturday 10 October 2020

Lockdown Diary.... What’s your therapy?

Therapy for me has to be reading

Some facts

Reading can even relax your body by lowering your heart rate and easing the tension in your muscles. A 2009 study at the University of Sussex found that reading can reduce stress by up to 68%. It works better and faster than other relaxation methods, such as listening to music or drinking a hot cup of tea.

I know that I am getting through books at a right rate of knots these days and that I’m looking at different authors.  Mostly the books have been via recommendations by Instagram chums.  

A lot of the books on our shelves we’ve had for years. We tend to only give away the fluffy reads, keeping the ones we’ve really enjoyed to be read again sometime in the future.

Friday night saw the start of a new BBC2 book club Between The Covers hosted by Sarah Cox.  It was quick it was fiery, fun and definitely held my attention.  Matt Haig talked about his book The Midnight Library which I can definitely recommend if you like books that do time-slips through people’s lives. 

Earlier in lockdown we had the Richard & Judy Book Club on the telly which I loved as well.

I’ve always been an avid reader from the first time my mum started teaching me and taking me to the local library, which I still go to now.  

Music and watching selected television programmes are my therapy as well.  Oh, and the puzzles in Saturday’s Daily Mail magazine and occasionally a bit of mindful stitching. I should add chatting with friends, Pilates and driving my VW Beetle. Crikey if I keep thinking about it I’ll have a list as long as my arm.

So what’s your therapy ?

Thanks for popping by


  1. I love reading too, also gardening, dolls houses, quilting, painting, days out and photography.

    1. Oh yes, days out and photography I could add them to my list as well Polly

  2. It's a good poem and it touches ground with me right now. I know that your post was about books and reading, but I am always enchanted with the way you match prints, plaids and stripes and come up with the most adorable outfits imaginable. I love the way you dress and I wish that I could muster up half the talent and courage to dress myself in such delightful adornment. You're my fashion hero! If you lived closer I would love for you to go through my closet and mix and match me a few new outfits. I'm sure you would see things to pull together that I would never see. Oh, to have your talent for just long enough to create a little wardrobe magic.

    1. Connie you’ve made my day. Thank you so much for the lovely comments.
      Wait while you see the tapered cord urchin pants I’ve invested in for winter.

  3. Love reading too. Just got The Midnight Library as an audiobook. I listen to them as I work on embroidery, but I love the feel of a ‘real’ book..

    1. I think the Midnight Library would make a great film.

  4. Reading I can read a book every 3 days, cooking, exploring my local area, visiting the local shrines and parks, clothes as I work in vintage fashion and I know I am very lucky.

  5. I love reading too, Lynn. Although, due to developing cataracts, I find listening to audio books easier for now. And it does mean I can pop in my ear buds and listen while I do some crochet, sewing or even working on a scrapbook page. And it certainly makes housework much more pleasurable. I still buy real books if they are not, for whatever reason, available in audio form - old habits die hard. I think there are many who will identify with the words of that poem at this time.

    1. I like the idea of audio books with ear buds and being able to do something else at the same time. Maybe I’ll try it as well
      Lynn x

  6. Walking. Walking and walking! I love to read but after a while I feel restless and have to get the boots on and get out!

    1. That’s excellent therapy. Lots of benefits there, including a nice cuppa when you get back
      Lynn x

  7. What a beautiful poem Lynn, so calming. I too love reading, my Dad taught me to read before I even started school, something I’ve been eternally grateful for all through my life. At the same age my Mom taught me to Knit, so another big thank you from me. So I love to read and knit, have pen pals and belong to Round Robins where six ladies correspond and just keep on sending the folder round. Bits of craft work and of course baking, it all keeps me sane and I’ve never been bored in my life.

    1. I’m with you, I’m never bored even if I’m just sat daydreaming.
      Your round robin folder sounds lovely. I joined in with embellishing a travelling pinny with a stitched piece once. It went all over the world and a notebook accompanied it. We all wrote a little story in it about the pinny’s journey.
      Lynn x

  8. I've always been a prolific reader, but lately I'm finding that my concentration levels aren't what they used to be, so that I find I'm reading less than usual, although I have more time than ever. I find walking and gardening very relaxing lately, but both activities have been thwarted a bit by the weather. That poem is lovely and very poignant! xxx

    1. I’ve not done any crafting for ages apart from about an hour of stitching last week.
      Your gardening time has been very successful Ann and you’ve been on some lovely walks haven’t you.
      Keep smiling and looking gorgeous my friend
      Lynn xxx

  9. Connie's right, your outfits are always a joy!
    Like you, I've always been an avid reader. Mum read to me as a baby and as soon as I was old enough to read I devoured everything. I don't think there's been a day in my entire life when I haven't had a book at the side of the bed. xxx

    1. I’m just the same with the book by the bed Vix. Even if I only manage to read a paragraph or two I always read before nodding off and as soon as I wake up o pick it up again xxx
