Friday 9 October 2020

Lockdown Diary - quiet times

I’ve had nothing much to share with folk recently, there’s just not a lot happening in some respects but in others there is.

A visit by the lovely St.Ives artists Sue Dove and Jill Denton got cancelled so I didn’t get to show Sue where I had hung her fabulous textile canvas.

The beautiful roses were a gift from my Auntie Gladys’s sister Pat and her son John, to thank me for all the support and love I had shown Auntie Gladys during her lifetime.

Though the last two years had been hard, I enjoyed her company. She was such fun and so quirky.  Wasn’t she gorgeous in her 20’s.  No wonder she had all the boys after her.

She’s pretty much what’s led me today to sitting in my car, Billy no mates, eating cheese on toast outside Healey Dell Heritage Tearooms in the rain 

I’ve been to the cemetery to add four bags of Cotswold Stone chippings to the family grave.  No not to weigh her down but to make it look nicer as it hasn’t been touched in years. Tomorrow I’m getting two little planters and will add them to it.  Then we are ready for the family to visit and place her ashes there. I’m happy I’ve got somewhere to go and have a chat with her if I want to.  

There’s nothing morbid about this post, it’s all good.  I was even chuckling when I picked her ashes up.  They weigh a ton.  I told her she needed to knock off the chocolate.

And that’s why I’m sat here now, drinking my takeout coffee and eating my lunch. I felt I needed to mark the occasion and wasn’t ready to go home and do normal stuff.

Apart from that all I’ve got to show at the minute are some new books that have arrived.

I’m saving this Mary Portas one for a winter read, when I can switch the lamps on, make myself a nice mug of tea and eat toasted currant teacakes snuggled up on the sofa. Hopefully with the new carpet down.  Don’t you love a bargain, it’s an exlibrary hardback edition and cost me £3 including postage.

There’s a couple of new novels for 2020 and textile artist Anne Kelly’s new book Textile Travels.

Right that’s me done.  I’ve got the spare bedroom to set up for my sister arriving tomorrow for a few days.  It’s okay she’s in our bubble.  We are just hoping the restaurant stays open so that we can give Auntie Gladys a good send off and celebrate our Jill’s birthday at the same time.

Take care everyone 
See you soon


  1. What an utterly lovely post. xxxxxxxx

  2. What a lovely, if slightly bittersweet post, Lynn. Your lovely Auntie Gladys - it's as if I've know her personally through your blog - was indeed absolutely gorgeous in her 20s. I had to chuckle when I imagined you sitting inside Frida, having cheese on toast in the rain! How lovely you've got your sister staying with you again, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the restaurant to stay open. Keep safe and sane, you two! xxx

    1. I did get some funny looks sat in the car with my doorstep size slices of cheese on toast. I put Auntie Gladys ashes in the grave yesterday and cried my eyes out the whole time. So today we will be better when we visit with Mum and Jill. There won’t be that raw emotion. So glad I’ve done it this way and it feels nice that I have somewhere to go to now xxx

  3. what a lovely post, I am a Billy no mates at the moment I am sat in the staff room at work eating an iced bun and drinking a coffee whilst reading this.
    I don’t mind quiet moments to myself as it gives me time to reflect, I still want to book plane tickets for next June to see mum and dad, but Paul keeps telling me to wait. Whilst I watch in anger what is going on in the UK. It looks more like anarchy in the UK to me!!
    Your aunt Gladys was a stunner. Always remember her as a happy joyful person that is how I remember my mother in law. I hope you get to go out and eat. We have only just. But it is to places that we know and trust and away from the young hotspots. Take care and keep safe thinking of you and Philip always xx

    1. I think Paul is right about hanging fire with the plane tickets. There’s plenty of time.
      Looks like the pubs and restaurants will be closed from next week so this weekend will be fine.
      I’m all set now for taking mum and Jill to see Auntie Gladys final resting place. Yesterday I scattered her ashes after adding plants to the grave and I’ll admit I cried like a baby, so today will be a lot calmer.
      Thank you for your lovely words Allie. Take care of yourselves too xxx

  4. Happy birthday Jill x from Claire

  5. I think you're every bit as glam as your Aunty Gladys. Loving those velvet pumpkins. I priced some from an artisan I know but could easily make some myself.....'could' being the operative word!!Have a good weekend with your sis. x

    1. Thank you. She’s arrived now and brought the sunshine with her xx

  6. A lovely post and round up of your quiet time. Sometimes we need to be quiet. lots of love, Lyn xxx

    1. Thank you lovely friend. Take good care of you two xxx

  7. Lovely post. What a beautiful photo of your auntie Gladys,she was gorgeous. I think the black and white photos of those times were elegant and stylish.

    1. She was a beauty for sure and yes I think the black and white photos were stunning. I love the ones I have of my nana.

  8. What a gorgeous photo of Auntie Gladys, I can see a real likeness, it's that cheeky sparkle in the eyes!
    Cheese on toast in the car with masks hanging up here there and everywhere. What strange times we're living in. Thank goodness we can see the funny side, there's far too much doom and gloom around.
    Have a lovely bubbly time with your sister! xxx

    1. Jill has been and gone and she’s coming back at the end of November yippee.
      I dropped a clanger in not keeping a Chinese dress made by Auntie Gladys. I’ve found a photo of her wearing it in her 20’s and she looked fabulous. Xxx
