Thursday, 2 July 2020

Lockdown Diary - June reflections


You’ve been a peaceful month thankfully.

The garden gate displays continue.
There’s been socially distanced meet ups with friends.
A new frock.  Not secondhand for once but one made by a small British company.
I’ve revamped my workroom.
 Given a wall a coat of paint.
Eaten ice sundaes galore made by our local pub.
Taken walks.
Had moments of reflection.
Carried on shopping at our local markets.
Taken Mum out for a drive after months of her staying put.
Started some new projects.

All in all it’s been okay.

So we now find ourselves tumbling into July.
It’s kicked off with a big thing in this household.

A love affair of 20 years is over.
The green Ninja has gone and the wandering welder has hung up his leathers never to be seen again.

The last ride out.

Rough roads and barmy car drivers has prompted the end of a life time of motorbikes for this fella and I can’t say I’m sorry.  I’m now waiting for him to whizz the welding gear.
Let the next adventure begin.

As July opens her windows and shows us her best I hope we all stay safe. We are definitely staying local for now.

See you soon


  1. Oh no, not the bike! Mind you, I don't blame him one bit, there's some real idiots on the roads, even more so at the moment.
    Your June sounded lovely, here's to an even better July! xxx

    1. He’s not ridden it for a long time really, except to take it for an MOT. One more step to simplifying our lives. There’s another bit taking part today hopefully. It’s a biggie xxx

  2. Same as for me, June didn't sound too bad for you. Hope July will bring better times, though. Must have been hard for Philip giving up his bike, even if it was his own decision. I can well believe you're not sorry! xxx

    1. Its nice to record the positives Ann I think. There’s so much negative talk out there, I like to remember that there’s a lot of good as well.
      The sale of the bike has been on the cards for some time, it’s all part of our simplifying life and it feels good xxx

  3. Ohh no poor Philip, we both are bike mad, we both haveCBR’S they are so handy to get round the crazy Tokyo traffic.
    But I do understand we’re your comming from when I first got my bike license my parents went mad as I went for a CBR and that has been my choice ever since. I have only ever come off once and it was in the UK and not in Japan !

    1. He was okay at letting it go Allie. He’s not enjoyed riding it for a long time. You’re very brave riding the mad roads of Tokyo. I wouldn’t even do it my car.
      Take care xx
