Friday, 17 July 2020

Lockdown Diary - A day of indulgence

“Who’d a thawt it”

I started my new journal on Monday 16th March and what a whirlwind of things have happened since, both personally and in the world in general.  It’s probably a piece of history I’m creating here.  

I write my ramblings in it most days and as I’ve said before I am more open than I am on my blog as it’s for my eyes only. 

The rate I’m getting through the pages I will be ordering another before to long.

I’ve had another nail painting session and today my hair is fully back to its normal self after Angela, friend and hairdresser of over 25 years,  put highlights in.  I’m so lucky as I only have it coloured about 3 or 4 times a year.

Look at the difference taking a photo outside makes to the colour.  The true colour is more like the one taken inside.

As we are not going out to the pub yet or Philip to his country music club we are having a chippy tea and a few beers at the neighbours house tonight.  All socially distanced of course. 

It’s not been warm enough to be sitting outside  this week, we’ve had so much rain.  Hopefully we can at least have the door open today and get a bit of fresh air circulating round the house.  

I saw this sign somewhere and it made me chuckle.  

The new weekly routine seems to be working itself out now. Wednesday is market day and an afternoon doing as I like. Thursday is hair done day and Saturday is a trip over to Todmorden market or Park Farm Shop & Tearoom.  That’s as far as it goes but I’m happy with that and that things are falling into place a bit.  It’s giving me the focus to find a new normal, slowly slowly.  We don’t need any massively exciting things going on or feel the need to go very far.  When the time is right we will, until then we are happy with the simple things in life.

As we are also planning on fully retiring by the end of the year it’s a good time to prepare for that as well.  There’s a lot to do before that happens but that’s okay too.

Have a good weekend from us two.
and as always stay safe and well

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