Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Lockdown Cottage & a bunch of flamingos

I haven’t got anything to show on my desk this week so I thought I’d update you on the Garden Gate displays.

Lockdown Cottage canary cage has now been fixed to the garage wall and passersby are loving it.

I’ve added a couple more bits of garden tat including the little flamingos, some flamingo bunting and a twirling wind thingymebob.

And I mustn’t forget the ladybird and bee.

I promise to try harder for some proper desk work next week.  Thanks for popping by anyway.  Stay safe everyone.

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  1. Such a brilliant garden display Lynn. Your neighbours must love them, especially those with young children. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #17

  2. Just love Lockdown Cottage it is fabulous! Such a clever idea.

  3. Morning Lynn, what fun that cottage is, brilliant imagination.
    Thanks for sharing
    Chris #6

  4. Don't worry about the lack of crafting. I think what you are doing is really wonderful for all who sees it. Keep up the good work.
    Annie x #10

  5. Morning Lynn. Brilliant - just brilliant. Folk must just eat their breakfast so quickly near you - so as to get out and see what you have been up to each morning!!! Such a delightful way of encouraging people during this time. I reckon you (and I) will be sorry when it com es to an end!!!
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  6. This is just gorgeous ... children in your area must be jumping to get out of bed to see what you have created. Stay safe while you have fun creating.
    Sandra de @7

  7. That's such a lovely idea and brings joy to the passers by and to you for thinking up all the fab ideas! Crafting takes all forms :-)
    Hugs LLJ 12 xxx

  8. I just love this Lynn, such a fabulous idea and I'm sure the adults are enjoying it as much as the children! Such a wonderful way to help keep everyone's spirits up at this tricky time.
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #5

  9. I just love that birdcage - we use one as a lampshade on the stairs, they're so versitile. Your displays are memorable and thought provoking and isn't that what art should be all about? xxx

  10. People are really going to miss your displays when this all finishes! have a great week and happy crafting (I'll try too!!) Helen #1

  11. Hi Lynn, such a fab idea, I'm sure passersby are loving something to brighten their day, and this is certainly doing that job!Have a lovely week, Stay safe, Hugs, Shaz #13 X

  12. It must be such fun living close to you. I would love to walk past each day and see your displays. What a lot of joy you must bring to the locals. On their behalf Thank You!
    Hugs, Neet 11 xx

  13. Hi Lynn, I do wish your garden was in my area, I would love to come and see. Love the addition of flamingos and the bunting. x

  14. aww the people who walk past your garden will love that - we have a teddy garden we past on out daily ( when no rain) walk and it always makes us smile. Have a good week . Soojay #20

  15. What lovely things you have in your garden to cheer up your passers by. They are sure to raise a smile. We had one of those ladybugs when mine was small. Didn't know you could still get them. May have to invest in a new one as ours fell apart years ago and I did love it.
    Have a good week
    Hugs Lisax #24

  16. I bet people walk past your house even though they don't need to just to see what new things have arrived. Have a lovely week and a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x19x

  17. I love your fun garden displays. Happy WOYWW. I hope you have a good week. Stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#9)

  18. The canary cage is gorgeous. I love the duck with the hat on.

  19. That birdcage display is gorgeous, Lynn, and I am now regretting selling a wooden birdcage at last year's flea market. The things I could have done with that! I think you'll have to keep up with your Garden Gate display even after the pandemic. Your house will be mentioned in the local guides, and people will flock from all over the country to see it! xxx

  20. Best wallpapered birdcage ever, it looks fab, I love the books; fondly remember my parents having that whole collection. I think my uncle worked for the publisher, anyway, that right there is why your Lockdown Cottage works are so brilliant, on the eye, the mind and my memory! Who cares if you haven’t timemor inclination to be at your desk!

  21. Your garden gate displays are such a brilliant idea, Lynn, and I am sure the neighbours and other passers-by are really enjoying them, and wondering what you are going to come up with next! Such fun.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #14

  22. Hi, I love the cage, it reminds of the shrines we have dotted around japan, I know we are meant to pray as it is a Buddhist country, but there are so many different types of shrines they make me smile whenever I see one. Of course I bow my head say a short prayer and leave.
    But things like this always make me feel greatful for being alive.

  23. I love your "gate craft" - it makes me smile too! xx Jo

  24. I love this post... we could all use a little whimsy right now. Thank you!
