Wednesday, 4 February 2015

What's on my workdesk today .........

Machine stitching layers of tissue paper for no other reason
 than  I wanted to try it after seeing 
Australian Jen Arburrow's 
tissue covered books on Facebook.
 You need to use about six layers for stability 
otherwise its a bit tricky
I made a little book out of one of the pieces and 
put the other in a pocket of my art journal where 
I stash all sorts of bits and pieces.
You can see what other people
 have been upto this week here


  1. These are gorgeous - I love the bright colours, and making little books is a fab idea.

  2. Hiya, WOYWW neighbour! Actually, it's really good to see you on the desks again, Lynn..hope you've been ok.
    I LOVE those sewn tissue clever is that? Wouldn't have thought of that in a million years..... I have GOT to get myself on a free machining course. It's a shame I live so far away from you or I'd ask you to teach me!
    Hugs, LLJ 26 xx

    1. Thanks Jan. Things haven't been the same since that horrible event with kikki but life goes on.
      Yes it's a shame we are not closer. Just drop the feed dogs on your machine and go for it Jan. Try it on fabric first xx

  3. Wow, what beautiful pieces Lynn! Very nice indeedy! Do more! ((hugs)) xx

    1. I call it experimenting some would say faffing haha xx

  4. I'm whizzing round all my fav blogs while the twinnies do some drawing by me 😃
    I've never stitched tissue but that really looks like fun and I love the results.
    Hugs Annie x #15

  5. Hi Lynn, great idea and I will pop back to see what you make with it but I understand you playing first been doing quite a bit of that myself lately. Have a great woyww, Angela x 33

  6. Just to make sure I don't miss anything I have joined your followers, Angela x

  7. Wow this is a change of scenery for you I think, now I am going to have to go off and Google what you are doing and check this out a little more. Love your new header by the way, especially love the old china. I have heaps of tissue paper and serviettes to do this creation. Hmm m my head is in manic mode now. Have a wonderful week.

    Happy WOYWW
    hugs Eliza & Yoda 21

  8. Oh that's so lovely and interesting!! Great job! Have a wonderful week & God bless!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #9

  9. I thought it was fabric at first and am amazed how great the stitching was on tissue paper! Enjoy the pretty book! I love it! Winnie #64

  10. I can imagine the tissue paper is easier to stitch than card! Then again it might be too thin? In any case it looks great! Thanks for sharing this idea! And for your visit earlier! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #34

  11. Well that DOES sound like fun, will have to try that, as well! Such pretty colors you have, your little book is adorable!

    #67 this week with the
    finished chair & a chalkboard

  12. Pretty little book.
    Love your header - that cake looks good enough to eat!!!!
    Have a good week
    Christine aka Bishopsmate #73

  13. I love a bit of free machining! x Jo #38

  14. Hello my friend! I love the little cover you made for your notebook, it is lovely. I would never have thought to sew tissue paper.... like that idea very much. Will we see you soon? Big hugs, Anne xx

  15. What a Lovely idea, I've never seen this before but then that's what WOYWW is all about...
    Thanks for sharing and for stopping by too!!

  16. I can see where sewing on tissue paper could be tricky. I can hardly handle the stuff so I can't imagine sewing on it. It comes out looking very neat though and I can see the appeal. Thanks for the WOYWW visit today. I'm a bit slow getting to visit everyone today. For some silly reason they expect me to work at work today. Judy #79

  17. There is such beauty displayed here today. What a lovely idea to cover the notebook!
    Glenda #48

  18. See, now I want to try! Yours is stunning, I must look up the person you saw on FB too.

    Carmen x #53

  19. What a fantastic idea and so colourful. I love it but there is no way I would attempt to sew on fabric let alone on tissue paper.
    Have a great week,
    Von #42

  20. These all look wonderful! Looks like a great idea! Chrisx 43

  21. Beautiful layering Lynn. Thanks for stopping by my blog. x

  22. Great free flowing stitching and the effect looks amazing. I struggle to wrap a present in tissue paper so I can't imagine stitching and creating anything to pretty.
    sandra de @13

  23. that is so effe tive, i love tiszue paper ( sorry typing on a ski ma hine .... not easy
    i lov the bright olours.
    janet #18

  24. Oh, that is so pretty! Have a wonderful week. Chris # 11
