Wednesday, 29 May 2013

What's on my workdesk today....

 First up is this beautifully made ATC from Annie at wipso-a stitch in time
Even though I couldnt join in this year she wanted to send me one.

Ive finished my scrim cloth.  You can see more about it and what its doing now on my stitch blog
So what's on the desk next I wonder ? Could it be this more scrim work.
or finishing this
or even doing some more in this
There is also this to consider, its waiting to be either a bag or a wallhanging.
Ive not even mentioned this art class
where I am behind in completing the final task in this watercolour lesson
But not to worry I can always grab one of these
  and have a look at all the lovely cards you will have all made for the 4th anniversary of this 


  1. I'm just sad I'm not going to trade with you, since you are next on the list after me. I LOVE what you do with the scrim and your other projects as well.

    Happy WOYWW4 from # 21*

    1. Yes sorry I'm not taking part but im a bit busy as you can see and that's without the day job

  2. Lordy Lynn, you have so much on the go! I think your desk is one I would pick as the most evolving since you started to WOYWW, and you tea cup is one I'd pick for my own collection!

    1. Thank you Julia.... I love to stretch myself creatively and have a real passion for learning, Before the end of the end of the year I am going to learn to crotchet.

  3. I love your embroideries, especially the looks like a crop circle pattern in a wheat field to me! But that's what comes of living in Wiltshire, I guess...crop circle capital of the world, lol!!
    Re your comment to Julia, I learned to crochet off YouTube and it is quite addictive!!
    Happy 4th WOYWW!
    Hugs, LLJ 9 xx

    1. Thanks for that Jan, I did have a quick look on there and found one that was left handed like me.

  4. Hi Lynn, Such a lot to look at on your desk this morning, and they are all lovely and refreshing just like that cup of tea. Obviously being used to playing with paints more than fabric I like the paint pallet:) I am off to have a nosey at your new blog too. Have a great day. Hugs Mo x

  5. Thanks for the mention Lynn. I have received my gorgeous surprise and will do a show and tell next week....thank you so much I love it all.
    Happy 4th Birthday celebrations and here's to many more.
    Annie x

  6. meant to say thanks for the heads up about the linky error....I've added another link on that old post now so I can be found....I didn't want to mess up Mr Linky and complicate things today of all days :-)
    Annie x

  7. I don't know where you find the time.... what a gorgeous ATC from Annie. Have a fabulous day. Helen, 39

  8. Hi Lynne thanks so very much for popping voe to my desk already before Mr Linky was behaving :D
    A great creative space today! Just love your scrim work.. curious name wonder why is called that???
    Thanks so much for sharing ~ happy 4th anniversary of WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #37

  9. Wow, what a lot of work on the go! The ATC you've been sent is gorgeous.
    Happy 4th WOYWW. Pam#36

  10. Hi Lynn, you just get busier and busier every week! Your work on the scrim is stunning. Not surprised you have not had time to make the apron in to a bag or something - I don't know how you manage it all. Happy 4th WOYWW. Hugs, Anne x #62

  11. Your WOYWW4 ATC is gorgeous Lynn. One for your inspiration board for sure.
    I vote you finish the piece on your stretching board first. Enjoy the rest of this anniversary :0) xx

  12. Hi Lynn
    I am loving all your sewing work it is so pretty and I just know you will make some amazing pieces from it
    Wishing you and everyone a Very Happy WOYWW today
    Ria #50

  13. I'm heading off for one of those (cup of tea) but loving all your other possibilities! Have a great WOYWW4 MMx #85

  14. Good grief, you're busy. And it all looks so amazing. I'm going over to your other blog to check out your scrim work. It's fabulous.

    Happy anniversary,
    Love Rachel, #48

  15. What a busy bee you are Lyn. I love all that scrim work -so clever. Happy 4th WOYWW! x Jo

  16. What a delightful post today - so much to see of your talent. Thanks.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  17. So much delightness (is that a word?) to see here... wow! Happy woyww anniversary and a hug from Holland. Marit #88

  18. Oh wow beautiful creations as always. Take care Zo xx 79

  19. Good grief, you just tired me out! LOL Such a lot of wonderful things all on the go! The embroidery work is so special, beautifully done... Happy 4th WOYWW Anniversary! Annette #2

  20. It’s amazing that the internet can bring together so many likeminded people and I’m grateful that WOYWW has also brought along so many new friends, thanks to Julia.

    Well, it looks like you have so much to choose from to work on or you could always start on something new!
    Enjoy your Wednesday snooping on this very special Day
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @82

  21. Happy 4th much to look at here many projects .... love it all ...xx71

  22. You really are on a creative roll and obviously enjoying it all too. I really enjoy sharing evidence of your projects. I really think Sally Spoon should be given an airing... she might even get to meet Flat Susan!
    Happy WOYWW 4th anniversary. It's so good to be part of Julia's creative family.
    Jo x

  23. Hi Lynn - what a lovely look through your projects - Happy WOYWW 4TH Birthday...Mxx #137

  24. For 4 years now i've been dropping by,
    To view desks and see what I can spy,
    Will it be a card, some stash or ATC,
    whatever it is, thanks for sharing it,
    Have a Happy WOYWW 4th Anniversary

    Hugz Minxy #60

  25. Eenie, meenie, minie, mo.... if you're like me, you'll do a bit of some/all of them. But, first, a cup of tea!

  26. Lynn, I can't tell you how much I love and how inspired I am by your work lately--and I am completely excited about your stitch blog! Just joined it! Thanks so much for visiting me from the comments this morning when we were missing Mr. Linky. Hugs dear! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #78

  27. WOW so much going on on your desk again this week. Love all the paper and fiber arts you do! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW 4th Anniversary. Have a great week. Vickie #14

  28. Wow! There are so many fantastic projects on the go there! You really are a very busy lady. Thanks for sharing. Have a very happy 4th WOYWW birthday. Caro x (#67)

  29. Happy 4th, Lynn!

    I really enjoyed reading your blog today, so many lovely projects. Thank you for popping round, and for your kind comments. Have a great week, Lucy #22 x

  30. Hello Lynn, happy 4th anniversary to you :) My, but you have so many projects on the go at the moment! My favourite is the lace/print patchwork - it's so pretty. Annie's ATC is gorgeous too. Look forward to seeing the completed projects - when you've made up your mind what to do next, of course :))
    Hope you've had a lovely WOYWW, Elizabeth x #155

  31. Happy WOYWW$! Your work is brilliant and every time seems to grow better and better! Annie's ATC is lovely!!Have a 'fabupus' WOYWW4
    HaPpY WoYwW4
    ((Lyn)) was# 19 now about 21 I think!! gone back to 19!

  32. So many beautiful things on your post today.
    Happy 4
    Famfa 121

  33. I am always in awe in how your patchwork looks so effortless I'd be stuck for hours just moving things around and not sewing anything together :)
    happy WoyWW 4 hugs Nikki #145

  34. You take my breath away with your beautiful works of art and in so many different areas. You are a very busy lady!! The scrim looks very difficult to me. Need to see how it is done. #47

  35. such beautiful things you do make Lynn. Ive never heard of scrim it looks so delicate.

    Happy WOYWW 4

    Gill x #132

  36. Lots of fabulous projects going on here...and lots or variety so you don't get bored with just girl!

  37. happy 4th WOYWW anniversary!
    i'm delighted to be part of this fun group
    and happy to get a chance to peek at your desk today!
    it's full of gorgeous and interesting projects!

    peggy aplSEEDS@11

  38. Your work is beautiful - and so very varied. Well done. The word "boredom" isn't in your dictionary then??!!
    Margaret #70

  39. Oh wow! What a lot of beauuuuties on your desk today! Happy WOYWW anniversary! From patsy@10
