Saturday, 25 May 2013


 Before Postman John went off on his two week holiday in the sun he brought me these lovely packages.
 These lovely buttons came from Diana of Velvet Moth Studio after I sent her an article I had seen in a magazine that I thought would interest her.
  Then my lovely friend Mo in Scotland, Mo's Flickr site, sent me a crotchet doily to include in my embroidery work.  Look at the great tape on the envelope and this fabulous handmade card.
Have a look here to see what I did with the butterfly and a piece of the doily.
I  have to show you this bundle of trims I got from the indoor market in Rochdale, Lancashire.
The town gets a lot of flak for being its lack of shops and market stalls but I have to say anyone who wants haberdashery make straight for this stall.
Link over to my embroidery blog to see what I am doing


  1. Lovely mail.

    My postman's name is Nora. This being Canada, she's called a mail carrier. She's the best postman I've ever had.

  2. Little parcels in the post just make your day don't they!

  3. I don't think you can beat receiving lovely surprises from the postie!
    I have to admit I haven't a clue what my postman's name is because he scoots passed our gate (which is quite a way from our door) on his moped whilst throwing letters into the box! It's certainly a skill to keep balanced and the engine running ;D
    How wonderful to receive such beautiful gifts and your embroidery is exquisite. I'm ashamed to say I don't even sew a button on these days.
    Enjoy your Sunday...whatever you have planned :D

    1. Thank you Neesie I hope your Sunday is nice too.

  4. Really this is the best example of hand embroidery of design.

    chikan embroidery

  5. Those buttons are simply gorgeous Lynn. I can NOT believe you have shown my terrible stamping!! How embarrassing. You're terrible, lol. Bu-ut I am happy you like the doily & butterfly, which I'm delighted you used seeing as I just had it as a card adornment. Your market finds are lush. Karen will be chapping on your door I reckon with all the beautiful bits you manage to come across, haha.
    Well, it must be time for a cuppa. Kettle's on :0) xx

  6. Hi Lynn, can I go to that stall with you some time? I love Mo's card and crochet and the button and tags from Diana are beautiful too. Always nice to get happy mail! Hugs, Anne x

  7. So glad you liked the buttons - I've just had a lovely browse around your embroidery blog - your work is amazing and the buttons look great on your last piece - you are so good at hunting out bargains, I need you with me next time I go shopping!
