Tuesday, 9 April 2013

What's on my workdesk today.......

 I am still working on my embroidery course but I've also signed up to do a year long online course called 21 SECRETS.  Its art based and 21 teachers run a different class.  You pick and choose which ones you do and how many.
 This is the first one I did.  The brief was to create a sketchbook/journal using fabric and to include words on the front cover in stitch.  I am using it to sketch ideas for embroidery like the teacup and saucer I have drawn and then I made an embroidered piece using an old traycloth, lace and fabric.
 I made another little book for a dear friend of mine.  Hope she likes it.
My second class was to use the inside of old envelopes to draw on and then collage into your own sketchbook.  I made a book out of some envelopes first.
In it I am sticking pieces of textile art and postcards of other artists work.  I will be adding drawings of my own and some embroidery pieces.
So even though I am not working on my embroidery I am sticking with the theme. I seem to have a problem with going off at a tangent all the time.

Have a look at some more desks now and see what work others are doing.
Flowers made from old envelopes


  1. Hi, another 21 Secrets artist!
    I love your projects so far! It's interesting to see what people are starting with. I'm a little skeptical about doing any sewing, because I'm not a seamstress. You'll enjoy Rae's Go Green - she uses here sewing machine and fabrics in it! {:-Deb

  2. Wow, completely lovely work!

  3. Happy Wednesday, I hope you are having, or going to have, or have already had a great day (dependent on where exactly in the world you are!) Your 21 secrets work is great, looks like you are having a grand time!

    Neil #7

  4. Morning Lynn, love all your beautiful projects. If my eyesight was better you would be tempting me to get out the needles and threads. The flowers made from old envelopes are just brilliant - a lovely way to upcycle them. Thanks for visiting me already - I haven't shown it but my typewriter has a lovely black cover too. Hope you find a cover for yours soon. Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #41

  5. Another wow week from you Lynn. I especially love the Doodly bird book. You are going from strength to strength now.
    A x # 43

  6. Your projects always inspire me and I love coming here to see what you are up to next, always interesting.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza 47

  7. I read somewhere about 21 Secrets, have fun!! Your shares today are amazing.

    Helen, 8

  8. Hi Lynn, your posts are always inspirational! I'd never heard of 21 Secrets - will have to do some research! How do you find the time to do all your amazing classes and challenges? MMx #67

  9. Looks like I have some catching up to do to see all the lovelies that have popped up whilst I've been on my travels. Your course work is going from strength to strength and is so creative and exciting!
    lots of love Jo x
    (p.s. If you have a contact for Lucy can you please ask her to contact me asap. I've emailed etc., with no response.)
    speak again soon... j x

  10. Your creativity has no bounds!! Such beautiful crafty ideas. x Jo ( the other one!!)

  11. The course sounds fun, and your fabric makes are lovely.

    Waving hi from the bears @#79 this week.

  12. I LOVE your fabric book! I've always wanted to make one myself... your photos bring back that idea. Thanks for the inspiration!!! Happy Glue it Tuesday - and woyww (we 'play' at the same blogs/events!) and a hug from Holland. Marit GIT #20 and woyww #82

  13. Wonderful books! I love that envelope one.
    Tracy #37

  14. Lovely picture filled post Lynn. As other people have already said, it is always a pleasure to visit here and come away feeling inspired and ready to get going on the next project. The journal is SUUper cute and the fabric cover just perfect. Oh, and what a clever idea to sew part of one of your postcards on the front cover. Hmm, 'Once upon a time....'....the cogs are whirring.
    Your envelope journal is great and the idea of adding pierces that inspire you into it, is a fab one.
    Have a great WOYWW Lynn, :0) Mo xx

  15. I'm a 21 secrets member too and love your idea of makong the envellopes into a book so I. Think I will too. It will be a portable sketch book to take out with a few pens ...

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. What fabulous and creative books!! Very well done!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #32

  18. Happy Workdesk Wednesday!

    I have to admit - everytime I visit your site I stop staring at your header picture (showing your craft room I guess?) and have to sigh and envy for quite a while *lol

    A place where creativity feels at home!!! Wonderful!


    die amelie #68

  19. wow! you are endlessly creative, lynn! you should be teaching courses, not taking them :)
    wonderful, wonderful work!
    happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
    no. 4

  20. Your work always looks great ..... You should be running classes
    Jackie 3

  21. Oh, Lynn, you are such a creative and inspiring artist! I feel like I do when I visit one of Annie's posts. I heave a big sigh and a silent WOW escapes my lips!! Have a marvelous week! Darnell #47

  22. Lovely work! I have now had a glass of wine and I am still trying to visit everyone so my message may be incoherent lol! jenx 129

  23. This is lovely, I collected envelopes once but didn't do anything with them. perhaps I should try again.
    Karen #73

  24. you draw so beautifully. When I read your comment this morning and saw the first two words ''I'm sorry'' I thought you were going to say ''but I think it's hideous''.....i'm still laughing....

  25. Fabulous book...The envelope one is intriguing too.

  26. We must be thinking in tandem. I didn't realise you were collaging envelopes too.
    These are nice and very Eco-friendly!
    I feel a bit wreckless as I'm using two packs of brand new ones, but they were purchased ages ago to make into something. Took three years to find them again

  27. I love your mosaic for 21 secrets - I love the stylish colours and the embroidered flowers are beautiful. I've heard of using envelope innards before (I think that's how Iris Folding started in Holland originally), but no-one seems to ever send me envelopes with pretty innards! It's a lovely idea, and it's also great to see the doodly birds out and about!
