Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Lockdown Tuesday


Woke upto a very cold snowy morning, with more to come.  After a breakfast of porridge and berries I put together my blog post for tomorrow’s get together at What’s On Your Workdesk.

At 12.30pm it was time for my zoom Pilates class with lovely Tracy at Bradley Physio.  It’s when I actually see friends for real that I get upset.  I miss the chat and hugs.  I know I’m not on my own in my feelings.

Anyway enough of that.  I’ve ordered this lampshade from  NIPPER & MOO to replace the ill fitting one on the standard lamp I rescued from Auntie Gladys house before it was emptied.

The standard lamp was bought from a secondhand  shop over 40 years ago by me, it was in our house for years, then went to Philip’s mum’s.  When she died it came back to us, then it went to auntie Gladys’s and now it’s back with us.  So I think it deserves a new shade don’t you.

After an afternoon of cleaning out drawers and cupboards and writing my shopping list for our weekly market shopping trip, we sat down to tea on a tray in front of the telly.  Salmon & asparagus tarts from Todmorden market, with  avocado & mixed salad.  

I’m suffering the joys of having to watch football. With a bit of luck the wandering welder will nod off and I’ll be able to flick over and watch the Interior Design programme.

Enjoy your evening whatever you’re upto.
Ooh, I think I can hear some snoring.
Hee hee 

Take care


  1. The same dilemma here...(even in the Netherlands watching BBC ;-) )....and HE won...he´s watching football now. Well....he solved the frozen toilet-problem...so I let him...hihihi! Francisca

  2. Fortunately none of us are footie watchers (yay!) so we have happily been watching Ben Fogel in Galway, with me doing a little stitching :) Lovely sunset x

  3. That lampshade is gorgeous, the perfect crown for that very well-travelled standard lamp! We only watch football if England are playing and that's usually on my instance. I used to go to Wolves matches regularly before I met Jon, I like football more than him!
    I shall see if I can find some photos of me wearing "the coat" - I know it made the front page of the Express & Star when I stood outside Walsall New Art Gallery with a placard campaigning against government cuts. It's famous! xxx

  4. What a funky lampshade! I'm also very enamoured with your floral radio! I think I'm going to clean out a couple of drawers too. I'm in a decluttering mood, so better make the most of it, as it doesn't happen all that often :-) So glad Jos isn't interested in football! xxx
