Tuesday, 2 February 2021


January is a month of rest after the madness of the silly season of Christmas.
Then February brings us snowdrops, daffodils and lighter days.

Fat Buddha is smiling, reassuring us we are moving forward.

And this was Monday, 1st day of February.
A beautiful crisp, bright morning and a reminder that 14 years ago
I was heading off to Australia on my own to see my beautiful friend
and her brand new baby.

When Philip dropped me at the airport I almost turned round and went back
home with him, we were both in tears at leaving each other.

So back to Monday. It was a day to catch up on housework.
Washing, strip the bed, vacuuming upstairs.
Then making soup for tea.

I don’t have the radio on much now as I can’t be doing with
the constant hourly news updates.  I’ve switched to playing
Alexa and when I’m cooking I have Jamie Oliver’s music
mix on. Good for dancing round the kitchen and singing at
the top of your voice.

I’ve had this book for nearly 20 years. It’s all about cooking with
seasonal produce, so it’s leek and potato soup for tea, using vegetables
from our local outdoor market.



The plans for today are to clean out the bathroom cupboard,
prep the veg for tonight’s tea of veggie sausage & mash
before a zoom Pilates class with lovely Tracy from Bradley Physio.
Can’t wait to get back to attending my normal studio based sessions
and having a chat and a chuckle with fellow class mates, but I’m
ever so grateful to Tracy for keeping us going. Seeing her smiley face each
week is a tonic in itself.

As the weather isn’t great today I’m planning on having an afternoon watching
The Dig on Netflix, it comes highly recommend.

I’ll fit it in with doing a bit of stitching to show on Wednesday’s
usual show and tell work desk blog and planning menu’s and a shopping
list for our weekly visit to the market.
That’s providing we don’t get any more snow and can get out.

Whatever your plans are for today make it a good one.
Stay home, stay safe, we’re getting there.



  1. Ah, that snow you mentioned? it landed with vengeance over night - a veritable 'winter wonderland' 🙄 out there right now ... sigh. So much for yesterday's lovely weather, oh well, never mind - stay warm x

  2. Hello Lynn,

    How wonderful to see the Snowdrops pushing through the ground. They are such hardy harbingers of Spring and really do lift the spirits. No wonder the Buddha is smiling.

    And, how delicious your leek and potato soup looks to be. We love soup....a meal in itself and able to be constructed from an infinite variety of ingredients.

    Although there should be snow here in Budapest, there is none. So, we enjoy the white stuff from afar.

    Pleased to have discovered you. We shall return.

  3. What a lovely view out of your window and your soup looks delicious. I like making soup, so simple and inexpensive but nourishing especially at this time of year. I shall investigate Jamies music mix tonight when I cook dinner! I've got The Dig earmarked to watch - several people have mentioned it and it had a good write up in my TV guide so enjoy x

  4. I just love the first signs of Spring and have a special fondness for Snowdrops!
    We have just bought a DAB Plus radio and are constantly listening to news-less digital stations. If the radio's on a regular station, I rush to put it off when there's a news update. I try to avoid the news as much as possible, far too depressing.
    That leek and potato soup looks utterly delicious. And there's nothing that beats cleaning out a cabinet (not too strenuous!) to clear one's head and soothe the senses. That, and some fiffing and faffing, obviously! xxx

    1. Haven’t got round to the cabinet cleaning yet. It’s still on the to do list. Haha xxx

  5. I love snowdrops I snook some bulbs home In my suitcase a few years ago and even Paul likes them. I love seasonal cooking as out of season anything over here is well a joke.
    Paul was laughing me earlier because I was singing 80’s songs even though I would have been about 6 when wham was about. The radio over here isn’t too bad. I just put cds on. Paul calls me vintage. I just prefer to hold things that’s all. Take care and keep safe

    1. I find it amazing that I can sing along to anything. How does that happen when half the time I can’t remember what day it is haha xx

  6. Snowdrops are so lovely, aren't they? Fat Buddha's rather a looker.
    I keep looking back at my blogs from year's gone by and sighing over the backpacking adventures we used to have. The thought of going to Wolverhampton on the bus seems as remote as flying to the moon these days, how I miss travel!
    You soup is beautifully presented! x

    1. It’s over a year since I ventured into Rochdale. I’ve not even seen the new shopping centre. It’ll be like going to a whole new town. Mum tells me the old shopping area is so depressing. Don’t think I’ll bother even when it does reopen. Much rather have old fashioned Bacup and Todmorden xxx
