Friday, 23 October 2020

Roses are red my love

I love to play around photographing flatlays.
Flat lays are a collection of things that appeal to you and laid out flat on a background that will showcase your display the best possible way.

I couldn’t bring myself to throw out the dying roses from a beautiful bouquet sent to me by my late Auntie Gladys’s sister Pat. 

So out came the brick effect wallpaper I use as a back drop and I spent a happy half hour playing around creating  different arrangements.

I’ve wrapped them now in tissue paper and I’m pressing them under a stack of books.

I do love to fiff and faff about.
What do you love to fiff & faff about with.



  1. I keep my valentine Rose from Paul, until there is nothing left. There is nothing wrong with messing around it passes the time. I am always moving things around and around until it finds a happy home in my home

  2. I'm absolutely loving your flat lay creations, and I agree that those wilted roses were too gorgeous to throw away. I've kept the rose heads from my wedding bouquet and they're still in a drawer somewhere, lovingly wrapped in tissue paper! xxx

  3. I had never heard of flat creations, but your are stunningly beautiful. Roses are really lovely even though they have wilted.
    Here the climate is very dry and I can hang flowers up and they will dry. (without having to press them) and then I can put them in a vase if I wish .
    I read your story about the silk dress yesterday. What a lovely story! When hubby and I got married for the registry office (before our church wedding)I wore a silk skirt in the same pattern and colour as your silk dress there. It had a slightly larger block but the colour was the same. It was many years ago and it doesn't fit anymore of course....
    Have a lovely weekend,

  4. Gosh I do love this!!! And I love roses too. So artistic.

  5. These are beautiful, Lynn!
    A lovely girl I knew used to photograph vases of flowers and post them on Instagram every day, they got more and more attractive the more they wilted and perished, a bit like my favourite kind of buildings! xxx
