Sunday, 19 July 2020

Lockdown Diary - Make yourself at home

Sunday - The sun came out at last and so did the garden gate display with Big Ted and his children’s book basket, along with sweets and treats for all.

This little lady came to stay with us for the afternoon while her Mum our neighbour Brenda went to see relations.  
I had forgotten how smelly those pigs ear dog chews are and how obsessed they are with them.

Here’s little Betsy making herself comfy in the kitchen on the chair we got some years ago from the BBC1 programme ‘Money For Nothing’ presented by Sarah Moore.  If you’ve never seen it, she goes to local council tips and rescues the stuff people are chucking out.  Then either she or a skilled craftsperson will upcycle the item.

Sarah did our chair herself using old wool coats to recover it. The sides of the chair are made with pieces of the front of the coat and still has the pockets.  You can also see where she has used the sleeves and back pleat of the coat.  The seat is recovered in vintage Sanderson fabric and there’s a matching cushion which Betsy had pushed off.

Next up on my reading list is another by the writer of The Botanist which I read a couple of months ago and enjoyed.  Most of the books I’m are reading are coming from recommendations by folk over on Instagram or from other blog writers.  

Once the libraries reopen I’ll be going back to ours and life will be a lot cheaper.  Saying that books and having my done are my treats.  Some of my books I like to keep and reread them.

Monday was a day of pottering round, finishing a project to be revealed on my weekly what’s on your Workdesk Wednesday post.   Then I went looking at houses for sale with a friend who is moving.  Dropped some books off at another friends before picking up a bit of shopping for Mum then back home to watch the BBC1 serial ‘The Secrets She Keeps’.    I won’t tell you the ending as the last episode is next week but I watched it on Iplayer.

Stay safe and socially distanced 
(that’s getting harder and harder to do)


  1. Lovely chair. Betsy looks right at home.

  2. your right pigs ears do smell, milo can consume them in about 20 seconds, so we don’t buy them anymore, he is rather partial to a Serrano ham bone from the posh pet shop near us, and they last ages. They smell as well. I am glad you got your garden display back out.
    I told mum we’re you lived she went ohh we used to stay a lot round there. I am going through the books mum sent me as I am on bedrest at the moment and having a go at making some masks even if the kids and hubby bought me some hello kitty ones. Take care and keep safe.

  3. Lovely chair and Betsy obviously loved it! xx

  4. Isn't Betsy delightful! I see she's made herself right at home there! I remember that chair and watching it on the telly after you'd told us about it. I'm loving the sound of that book. I'm still not even one-third through my reading pile, as I always seem to find other things to do. Oh well. xxx

  5. How weird, this blog post never appeared in my sidebar and only popped up on Bloglovin this morning. Are you living on a different time scale?!
    Betsy is gorgeous and looks quite at home on that wonderful chair of yours - I've watched the episode of Money For Nothing featuring it twice and both times squealed with excitement. I think if I bought anything I'd demand Jay Blades delivered it in person, he's only down the road and he's rather lovely!
    Glad you had a lovely lunch out. I must admit eating or drinking anywhere other than home doesn't appeal at all although I might be persuaded if it involved a Greek taverna in a rustic village! xxx
