Friday, 1 May 2020

Going round the bend

I’ve got a lovely friend you know 
She's clever at putting words in a row
She heard my lament about my hankie
And wrote this verse in 2020

I had a little hankie, it should go up my sleeve.

From what I’m going to tell you, you never will believe,

Because I had no cuffs I tucked it at my waist,

I have a wide collection, I’m known for my good taste,

Some of them are vintage some of them have lace,

I never am without one, you know for “just in case”, 

One day I paid a visit, to the small room in my home, 

I forgot where I had tucked it,I just sat there like a gnome, 

When it came the time to flush, I looked back down the pot,and couldn’t believe what I saw, my hankie , it had got!. 

I treasure my little hankies,some bought by my good friends, and never thought I’d see the day,one would travel round my bends,

I can’t believe I got upset, over a little bit of cotton, but the hankie was a favourite and will never be forgotten!

My clever friend Sylvia 


  1. Your friend certainly has a way with words... thanks for sharing!

  2. Slyvia has a real way with words! xxx

  3. That's delightful, Lynn. Your friend certainly has a way with words! Love those hankies! xxx

  4. Clever Sylvia! I’m sorry about your hankie. On the bright side it wasn’t a phone. But I get it...that split second when you can’t do anything and that makes you so cross!,

  5. Aargh, how annoying!
    Clever words from your friend!
    Nice to use fabric hankies, and I think we should all use them again, saving on paper, recycling and rubbish!
    Sad to lose a favourite hankie!
    Barbara x
