Monday 18 June 2018

No Primarni in this house

Two piece skirt suit from Kinky Melon Retro Boutiqe

It’s nice to have a new outfit or two isn’t it ladies.
The good thing about vintage shopping is that when you 
fancy a change you can sell them on again.  You wouldn’t be doing that with your Primarni clobber.

I can’t resist a pair of jellie shoes and a nice 
welsh wool purse.

Don’t stand near me with a naked flame while I’m wearing this little 50’s number or I’ll combust, there’s  that much nylon in it. Another one I picked up in Hebden Bridge.

I found this beauty in a new vintage shop in my favourite market town of Todmorden, West Yorkshire.

The belt is from a charity shop and this gorgeous little jumper was from the vintage shop as well.

Right, now I’ve got a few new frocks I need to make room for them so I’m off into my Narnia wardrobe for a sort out.  I could be some time.


  1. Primarni? I should blinking well hope not (I've got a fringed bodysuit I bought from a charity shop three years ago - but I'd never set foot in the hellhole)
    Love this round-up of fabulous frocks and colourful outfits - your photos are a great size, I can see every detail! xxx

  2. Hi Lynn, do you have a vintage store? I tend to pass on my vintage clothes to op shops, but it'd be great to sell some one day.😊

    1. No Jess I’m just a collector and wearer of vintage clothes 🙋‍♀️

  3. You have such a good eye for vintage frocks. Love them all. xxx

  4. Loving all your frocks, which I can now no longer add to my pile ;-) How fab is that jumper! xxx
