Sunday, 30 September 2012

St. Ives ........ What an experience.

  St. Ives full of texture, shapes, lines and colour.
I don't even know where to start with my photographs so I have made a series of mosaics to show you what I saw.
From the landscape of the Eden Project, to life on St. Ives harbour and dramatic pieces of art hung in the many galleries.
Spotted some Doodly Birds in the Tropical pod in the Eden Project.
A window in the Tate, Day of the Dead sculpture dedicated to Mexican Artist Frida Kahlo in Falmouth, the work of Sue Dove textile artist based in St. Ives and hand stitched church kneelers in a church in Marazion.
And the reason we went there in the first place.....
To celebrate the fact that my Mum will be 80 this year.
Hubby Philip, Mum in the middle and my lovely sister Jill.

More to follow including my day with Textile artist Carolyn Saxby and other artists I met and galleries we visited. Stay tuned...
Nice to be home.


  1. What a lovely way to celebrate an eightieth year; congratulations to your mum.
    I love Cornwall and I really enjoyed your post here!

  2. Are you just coming back down to earth. Glad you had such a good time see you Tuuesday love B

  3. ...looks like you've had a fabulous time, so many wonderful piccy's...doodly birds in the sand, a loVely shot...Mel :)

  4. Dem dere Dooodly Birds get everywhere!... now they've got to go next to John O'Groats. It's apparent Cornwall really coloured your life for a little while but good to have you back in blogland.
    Love Jo x

  5. Fabulous pictures/mosaics Lynn! I bet your mum was delighted to go to St. Ives and see the Eden project and all the other delights there are to see.
    I bet you have so many tales to tell too. I for one, can't wait to hear about your day with Carolyn :0) x

  6. Wow Lynn, you do take the most fantastic photos and love how you mosaiced them! Hope you, hubby and your Mum had a lovely time away - it certainly looks as though you did. Hope to see you soon and lovely to have you back in blogland.....Crafty hugs, Anne x
