Wednesday, 5 March 2025

What’s on your workdesk Wednesday

Can you believe it’s March already. Are you looking forward to longer and warmer days and all that nature brings us.

Snowdrops are always the first signs of Spring in our garden 

This week I’ve been sat in my studio doodling in my sketchbook, mark making with Sharpie Pens.

Some of the artists I’m inspired by -
Sally HollingworthFran Squires

The mark making even found its way onto scraps of fabric that I added machine and hand embroidery to.

Linking up with What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday 

I’m sorry I haven’t been able to reply to your comments, for some reason blogger won’t let me

Have a great week
And thanks for popping by
Lynn x

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Where Women Create

Hello, hello, hello ……
I’ve not been here since October. Look at this I have been featured in an American publication -  Where Women Create

What an honour that was.  The editor spotted my instagram accounts and asked if I would write a piece for their Winter issue.  I couldn’t believe it but thought why not.

So here I am in all my glory. Well my garden heehee.

It was a 16 page feature filled with images of my studio and home and the view from the windows over the Rossendale countryside.

I still can’t get over that I’m in print. I’ve had quite a lot of lovely comments from folk who have read the piece and I’m very grateful for each and every one.

There’s lots more news to come, but I don’t want to take up too much of your time, so I’ll come back next week hopefully.  Wishing everyone at What’s on your workdesk Wednesday a good creative week.  See you soon.

Lynn xx

Linking up with 
What’s on your workdesk Wednesday

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

September sped by in the blink of an eye - woyww

Where on earth did September go ………. It went in a whirl of culture and textiles.  One week we went to four different events.

A local venue played host to a Spanish Flamenco group touring the UK and Ireland.  We were mesmerised throughout.

This year I’ve been introduced to National Theatre Live.  London stage shows are streamed to cinemas live around the country.  You get to experience the exact same thing as theatre goers for a fraction of the cost and at a cinema close to home.  It’s an amazing experience.

I’ve never seen the film Edward Scissorhands, nor did I know the story.  This was the musical version and was a ballet.  

We’ve had a few days at the historic Welbeck Estate at Worksop, where we stayed in a cosy 1890’s cottage.

Our reason for being there was because I attended a two day textile workshop at Hope & Elvis.

The brief was to reimagine a favourite painting into something else.  I chose a canvas by Rachel Grant that hangs in our kitchen.   I made this fabric pot.

It was a process of mark making, printing and hand stitch 

Here’s me with Wend the owner of Hope And Elvis Studio

Back home my textile group were working on a print prompt during September.

We’ve also been to the British Country Music Awards, seen the Kate Winslet Film “Lee”   A true story about a female American photographer who covered the atrocities of the Second World War.  It’s compelling watching and I can definitely recommend it.

We had a lovely family meal with Philip and his twin sister Elena to celebrate their 75th birthday.  An added surprise was the arrival of the American cousin who moved to Florida over 40 years ago.

I can’t say that October is going to be any quieter.  We’ve never been as busy.  Loving this retirement malarkey.

I’ll be back with more adventures as we go along.
Thanks for popping by.
Lynn xx
Linking in with What’s on your Workdesk Wednesday 

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

A good coat of looking at …. WOYWW

As you can see I’ve been doing a lot of thinking
Giving jobs a good coat of looking at

and experimenting 

Started off gelli printing 

Then got sidetracked

 I couldn’t get this You Tube video I’d watched on turning paper into fabric out of my head

 So I had to have a go. It’s a Japanese technique called Momigami.
No idea where I’m going with it, so I’ll come back
with the results another time.

To make way for it I’ve moved all my No Rules Textile Society
work to one side of the wall.

Then I got distracted again and rejigged some of the shelves in my studio.
Honestly it’s like that thing with housework that you end up with six jobs
on the go at once.  Not that I do a lot of housework, so I’ve no idea how I
would know that fact.

Have a lovely crafty week deskhoppers.
Linking in with

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

What’s on your Workdesk Wednesday - The whole of August

As August comes to a close I’ve done a little round up of how the month has been in our household.

I’ve finished my COLOUR prompt over at No Rules Textile Society.  

Last week saw me co presenting a community radio programme.
It must have been okay as they’ve invited me back

August is my birthday month
A good excuse to ask for books as pressies

There’s been some new additions to the kitchen

Oh and look at these lovely biscuits my friend gave me.

We’ve even sneaked a few days away at our caravan in the Lake District.

There’s a couple of lovely vintage shops nearby and I’ve snaffled
two beautiful Victorian children’s garments and a card of British made
pearl buttons.  They’ll be put away ready for a suitable project.

I’m working on some basic printing for the start of the new prompt
with my textile group.

I almost forgot we had a lovely time at Art In The Pen held at 
Skipton Auction Mart. It was our first visit and won’t be our last.
There really is the crème de la creme of British makers & artists
trading there.  I spent my birthday money on this pretty silver filigree brooch.

September is looking like a busy one for us, so you probably 
won’t see me until the end of the month.
I’m sorry I haven’t been able to comment on previous posts but 
Blogger is throwing some odd things up and I can’t get onto folks
comment boxes 

Take care all and happy crafting 

Linking up with 

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

The good the bad and the ugly

Hello from sunny Lancashire.  There’s a lot of bad stuff been going on in the past two months but we won’t go into that.  I’m here to share the best bits and hopefully make you smile.

Here in the studio there’s been secret assignments going on, some stitching and some lovely zoom meet ups with my No Rules Textile Society Members.

Like What’s on Your Workdesk Wednesday folk we are all like minded and encourage and urge each other on.  Isn’t it wonderful when you find your tribe. 

We’ve not been going as long as WOYWW but firm friendships have been formed, just like you gals.

Creative wise we’ve got a new prompt and it’s “Colour”.   I’ve pulled out some books for inspiration and I found this lovely card in Country Harvest farm shop on our way to the caravan in the Lake District.  The jelly fruits that I bought didn’t last long after the photoshoot haha.

We met up with our lovely friend Maria who lives in Ulverston for the first time this year and had a fab day. If you’re an instagram fan take a look at her account it’s beautiful.

What else have we been up to ?  Oh yes !  We had a lovely rummage round Holden Wood Antiques on the way back from the Lakes and I found a few treasures for the studio.  It’s ages since I’ve had a truffling session.

We’ve got some serious stuff going on at home so I won’t be around much but I did want to say I hope you are all well and being creative and to say enjoy the summer whatever you’re up to.

Lots of love 

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