As August comes to a close I’ve done a little round up of how the month has been in our household.
I’ve finished my COLOUR prompt over at No Rules Textile Society.

Last week saw me co presenting a community radio programme.
It must have been okay as they’ve invited me back

August is my birthday month
A good excuse to ask for books as pressies

There’s been some new additions to the kitchen

Oh and look at these lovely biscuits my friend gave me.

We’ve even sneaked a few days away at our caravan in the Lake District.

There’s a couple of lovely vintage shops nearby and I’ve snaffled
two beautiful Victorian children’s garments and a card of British made
pearl buttons. They’ll be put away ready for a suitable project.

I’m working on some basic printing for the start of the new prompt
with my textile group.

I almost forgot we had a lovely time at Art In The Pen held at
Skipton Auction Mart. It was our first visit and won’t be our last.
There really is the crème de la creme of British makers & artists
trading there. I spent my birthday money on this pretty silver filigree brooch.
September is looking like a busy one for us, so you probably
won’t see me until the end of the month.
I’m sorry I haven’t been able to comment on previous posts but
Blogger is throwing some odd things up and I can’t get onto folks
comment boxes
Take care all and happy crafting
Linking up with