Friday, 29 April 2016

What's in a name

These are little paintings and sketches randomly placed in an old album I picked up for £12 at the Festival of Vintage last weekend.  

What has drawn me to it, as well as it being unusual, is that all the pieces are by different people. They date from 1919 to 1926.  There is also a splattering of written sayings by different individuals as well.

The book has the inscription
To Dorrie with love from Victor 1919
This page is my favourite
Three boys, a pipe and a pin
The signatures listed here are not the people who have done the paintings.
It is fascinating and I would love to know how it all came about.
I've tried googling the names and dates to find a connection.
The only link I have found so far is that it could be American.

The last page made me smile,  it says
"By hook or by crook I will be last in this book"
Herbert S. Lovell 14/1/21

Then across the top of it D. Lovell has written
" A very silly thing to write"



  1. Oh what a treasure....the tales it could tell. I really hope you manage to find out more about it. Thanks for sharing.
    Annie x

  2. I love this. It never ceases to amaze me how artistic and creative people were back then with those wonderful illustrations and witty quotations. These days its all text messages and Instagrams.
    I inherited a Great-Aunt's autograph album, I've treasured it since I was a little girl. I blogged about it here:

  3. You have a little gem there Lynn.

  4. You have a little gem there Lynn.

  5. Wow, what a treasure! Fascinating find.

  6. It's fascinating Lynn. I have copies of some pages (unfortunately not the book itself) from my cousin's autograph album from 1941. I think he must have got it for Christmas then. They are the pages my Mum and Dad and other relatives wrote ( or in my Mum's case drew). X

  7. An absolute treasure! I can well imagine you want to know more about it. It could be American because of the foreign sounding names.(Olga Goring and VC Bech) Those sort of names wouldn't be found in Britain in those days. And one of the drawings looks decidedly Betty Boopish, if you know what I mean.
    Thanks for sharing. It's fascinating!

  8. A beautiful treasure Lynn, very intriguing What a find!

  9. That's such a great find, Lynn. Like Vix, I'm always amazed by how many people were able to draw in those days. And - it has to be said - write properly. I guess it's all too easy today and people just aren't making the effort. xxx

  10. What a wonderful idea!!
    Sandy xx

  11. A lovely glimpse into the past. What fun to go through it and make up stories about the folk you find inside. A real treasure. Kate x

  12. Amazing! Sadly not everyone would appreciate something like this and there must be many such things which end up in a bin but thank goodness this one has been saved, well done you it's brilliant. Angela x

  13. wow these are fabulous. I bet they have so many stories behind them x

  14. What a fantastic find! I agree with Angela about things ending up in bins, especially when someone has passed away and those clearing the house just aren't interested in the items that had been saved over the years. I'm off to look at Vix's album now. Love! xoxox
